infectious diseases

Tick ​​bite


Often there is a tendency to associate tick bites only with Lyme disease, because it is the best known: what is stated is not always correct. In fact, ticks can cause many other disorders, more or less serious, based on the patient's state of health, the time taken to remove the arachnid, the immune system of the infected subject and, of course, the type of tick.

Before describing the damage caused by tick bites, it is good to give a general presentation of these small arthropods.

Ticks: generalities

Mistakenly called insects, ticks are chelicerated arthropods, belonging to the class of arachnids (the same to which spiders and scorpions belong) and to the order of the Ixodids. They are dark in color, rather small in size (a few millimeters), sometimes comparable to the eye of a needle. Ticks have 4 pairs of legs and their body does not appear divided: in place of the head is the gnastoma (with the buccal apparatus), associated with the hypostome (small teeth useful for anchoring the arachnid to the host).

The life of the ticks lasts about two years, a period in which these small arthropods develop, passing through three stages of growth: larva, nymph and adult tick.

Ticks are temporary parasites that feed on blood. They live in humid, shady regions, typical of woods and mountains, with low and uncultivated vegetation. Many are the animals that serve as reservoirs for ticks: deer, hedgehogs, mice, rabbits, foxes, squirrel birds, dogs and cats; sometimes they infect humans with their bites.

Dangerousness of the tick bite

The tick bite itself is not serious. The main problem, rather, is constituted by the microorganisms that insidano in the ticks: the arachnids in general, and the ticks in particular, are in fact considered vectors of diseases. In simple words, parasites, such as viruses or bacteria, affect ticks: the latter, greedy for blood, adhere to the skin's surface, thus transmitting the bacteria / virus to the host, through the bite or sting. Most of the times, the tick bite goes unnoticed because it is painless: this represents a big limit, above all for the diagnosis of the problem, often confused and uncertain.

The tick, after the puncture, can be accidentally detached: generally, the affected area appears slightly inflamed and swollen. After a few days, the inflammation expands, causing more or less annoying eruptions.


We mainly remember four diseases transmitted by ticks: the best known is certainly Lyme disease (to which an entire article is dedicated), but certain ehrlichiosis, TBE (tick-borne meningoencephalitis) and buttoned fever should not be forgotten.

  1. Lyme disease : caused by beating Borrelia burgdorferi, which infects ticks. The latter, with the puncture, transmit the parasite to the host (man). The disease is characterized by the formation of an erythematous rush - whose patch tends to expand enormously - fever, joint pain, headache and mood modulation.
  2. Ehrlichiosis : bacterial infection transmitted by tick bite ( Riphicefalus sanguinens ) with an acute course, characterized by fever, flu, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain. Sometimes, ehrlichiosis goes unnoticed.
  3. Tick-borne Meningoencephalitis, or TBE ( Tick ​​Borne Encephalitis ): a viral disease that affects the central nervous system. It manifests with the typical flu symptoms sometimes associated with meningitis and / or encephalitis. When left untreated or neglected, it can have a very serious course, so as to cause possible highly debilitating and permanent consequences. It can be prevented by vaccination.
  4. Bottonosa fever : those responsible for this disease are particular bacteria known as Rickettsia conorii, which reached humans through the bite of infected ticks. It manifests itself with fever, accompanied by skin disorders such as black crusts near the affected area, spots and papules. It is also known as Indian tick typhus or typhus from Kenya, based on the areas where it occurs.

Lyme disease Borrelia burgdorferi Erythematous rush, fever, joint pain, headache and mood modulation
Ehrlichiosis Riphicefalus sanguinens Fever, flu, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches
Tick-borne meningoencephalitis Tick ​​Borne Encephalitis virus Typical flu symptoms sometimes associated with meningitis / encephalitis
Buttoned fever Rickettsia conorii Skin disorders such as black crusts near the affected area, spots and papules

Prevent tick bites

Although ticks tend to sting humans throughout the year, in the intermediate seasons (autumn and spring) there are always many cases of infected individuals. In this regard, it is useful to pay particular attention in these periods, especially during walks in the woods and in the mountain regions, ideal places for the replication of ticks.

Among the essential precautionary rules can not miss a proper clothing for excursions: not recommended shorts and short t-shirts, rather prefer a tight clothing and long shoes, so as to prevent any anchoring of ticks to the skin. Even light-colored clothes are part of the precautionary rules: in fact, the light color makes it easier to highlight the possible presence of ticks.

In order to ascertain the absence of ticks on the body, at the end of the excursion, it is useful to scrupulously inspect the skin and scalp.

Clearly, pets should always be subjected to targeted treatments against ticks (vaccination), to prevent these mites from infecting humans.

When you realize that you have been stung by the tick, it is a good idea to remove it as soon as possible, in order to prevent the arachnid from nourishing itself on the host's blood; the removal of the tick must be carried out gently with the help of special tweezers, making sure not to break it, tear it or crush it.

Oily lotions are absolutely not recommended before removing the arthropod.

It is advisable, as well as absolutely essential, to seek medical attention when, after removal of the tick, the patient notices any signs of reddening of the skin, infection or typically flu-like symptoms.

tick bites in short »