
LOCOIDON ® Hydrocortisone

LOCOIDON ® is a drug based on Hydrocortisone 17-butyrate

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Non-associated corticosteroids for topical use

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications LOCOIDON ® Hydrocortisone

LOCOIDON ® is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and eczematous skin diseases.

Mechanism of action LOCOIDON ® Hydrocortisone

LOCOIDON ® is a medicinal product based on Hydrocortisone 17-butyrate, a moderately active non-halogenated synthetic corticosteroid, with decidedly more advantageous pharmacokinetic properties than its predecessors. In fact, applied to the skin, it persists in the area spreading among the various skin layers, and reaching the dermis only in small quantities, a possible site of systemic absorption. Despite the advantageous pharmacokinetic properties, the mechanism of action of hydrocortisone is the same as that of the other corticosteroid principles, which is effective in:

  • Inhibit the cascade of molecular events that leads to the synthesis of inflammatory cytokines and mediators of inflammation;
  • Reduce the degree of activation of the cellular elements present in the site;
  • Reduce the booster of inflammatory cells and mast cells, often responsible for the classic edematous and itchy symptoms seen in these lesions.

All this takes the form of a clear improvement in the patient's clinical condition and quality of life.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy

HYDROCORTISON AND MATERNO MILK: Topical anti-inflammatories Pediatr Dermatol. 2013 Apr 22. doi: 10.1111 / pde.12118. [Epub ahead of print]

Very interesting study that evaluates the anti-inflammatory potential of breast milk comparing it with that of hydrocortisone for the treatment of infant dermatitis and also observing an excellent therapeutic efficacy.

HYDROCORTISON IN THE TREATMENT OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS J Dermatolog Treat. 2013 May 6. [Epub ahead of print]

Experimental study that testing the efficacy of different topical corticosteroids confirms the excellent utility and relative safety of hydrocortisone in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

THE CHITOSAN AS CARRIER OF IDROCORTISONE J Pharm Sci. 2013 Mar; 102 (3): 1063-75. doi: 10.1002 / jps.23446. Epub 2013 Jan 9.

Pharmacokinetic study that tests the effectiveness of chitosan-based particles as a carrier system for hydrocortisone, demonstrating its excellent efficacy for a prolonged and effective transdermal release.

Method of use and dosage

LOCOIDON ® Cream for cutaneous use, hydrophilic cream, skin emulsion, cutaneous solution and 0.1% ointment of Hydrocortisone 17-butyrate. The choice of the pharmaceutical format, the dosage and the therapeutic scheme is up to the doctor after having carefully evaluated the clinical conditions of the patient and the severity of his clinical picture. Generally it is suggested to apply the appropriate quantity of the drug on the cutaneous region affected by the disease for 2-4 times a day, taking care to gently massage the area.

Warnings LOCOIDON ® Hydrocortisone

The doctor should adequately inform the patient about the risks associated with topical corticosteroid therapy, especially in the case of pediatric patients, and the hygiene and health regulations to be applied in order to optimize the therapeutic efficacy of the treatment, limiting the potential side effects . Particular caution should be reserved for treatment in pediatric patients given the greater risk of inhibiting the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, causing serious organic disorders. For the same reason the drug should be stored out of reach of children.


The use of corticosteroids, even for topical use, is generally contraindicated during pregnancy and in the subsequent period of breastfeeding, given the potential risks to the health of the fetus and infant associated with systemic absorption of the product.


At the present time, known pharmacological interactions are not known, although it should be remembered that the simultaneous intake of cytochrome inhibitor drugs may increase blood concentrations of the amount of corticosteroid absorbed.

Contraindications LOCOIDON ® Hydrocortisone

The use of LOCOIDON ® is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active substance or to one of its excipients, in patients suffering from viral, bacterial and fungal infections that are not adequately treated.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

The use of LOCOIDON ®, especially if prolonged for a long time, could determine the appearance of local reactions such as burning, irritation, itching, dry skin, hypopigmentation and hypertrichosis. The clinically relevant side effects are undoubtedly more rare, such as to require an immediate suspension of the therapy in progress.


LOCOIDON ® is a prescription-only drug.