sport and health



It is advisable to consult a doctor before embarking on a new physical activity program

If you have been sedentary for many years, and have not practiced regular physical activity in recent times, start an undemanding training program and gradually increase the intensity.

To allow optimal fat consumption, choose to practice long-lasting, medium-low intensity sports

Avoid high-impact activities such as running, which can stress the joints excessively, prefer sports like swimming, cycling, and walking

Include some stretching exercises to improve your flexibility, but avoid over-stretching your muscles

Avoid training during the hottest hours of the day, avoid environments that are too humid or too cold.

Walk on flat surfaces with appropriate footwear

Although aerobic activities are the most effective for weight loss, some general toning exercises will help you maintain muscle mass while avoiding an excessive drop in basal metabolism

Stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor in case of: excessive sweating combined with chills, heart irregularities, heavy wheezing or tightness and dizziness

RECOMMENDED ACTIVITIES: low impact aerobic sports, such as cycling, swimming, walking and the like combined with stretching and toning exercises

EXERCISE INTENSITY: from low to moderate, avoid too intense activities

FREQUENCY OF TRAINING: from three to five weekly sessions

DURATION OF THE SITTING: 10 minutes of heating + 10-20 minutes of toning + 40-50 minutes of cardiovascular activity + 5 minutes of stretching