
Fossette di Venere: What are they? Why do they form? of I.Randi


The dimples of Venus are two symmetrical and lateral recesses in the lower back, at the lumbosacral level.

More in detail, the dimples of Venus are located at the sacroiliac joints and are considered by many to be a decidedly sensual trait, particularly when they are present on the female body. However, the dimples of Venus are not a purely feminine prerogative, but may also be present in men. In these cases, however, it is customary to speak of "Apollo dimples".

The dimples of Venus are believed to be a characteristic inherited from parents (therefore, genetically transmitted) which, when present, manifests itself from the first months of life. However, it is necessary to point out that the dimples of Venus - although still located at the lumbosacral level - can take on a different appearance from one individual to another (for example, they can have an elongated or vaguely rounded shape, they can be very deep or barely visible and so on).

Please note

The dimples of Venus must not be confused with the eyes of Venus, another type of dimples present on the cheeks of some individuals. Generally, Venus eyes tend to be more visible when smiling.

What are

What are the Fossette di Venere?

The dimples of Venus - also known as Venus holes, Venus wings or Venusian dimples - are small depressions of the body surface, symmetrical and lateral, present in the lower part of the back. More precisely, these are grooves located superficially at the sacroiliac joints .

Although the name "dimples of Venus" is usually accepted and used in the medical field, these particular depressions are more properly defined as " lateral lumbar recesses ".

Please note

The dimples of Venus are not to be confused with the sacral dimple, a small congenital depression located at the sacro-coccygeal level, just above the buttocks.

When present in women, the dimples of Venus can become part of the so-called " lozenge of Michaelis ", identified as an area having a rhomboid geometric shape and located, in fact, in the lumbosacral region. The Michaelis lozenge is fundamental in the study of pelvimetry, the indirect measurement of the pelvis performed in women in order to preventively evaluate the possibility of completing the birth correctly.


Why do Venus pits form?

Contrary to what many think, the presence of the dimples of Venus does not depend on the physical form of an individual and even less on the practice of one sport rather than another. In fact, it is believed that the Venus pits form in individuals with a particular anatomical conformation of the genetically determined lumbosacral area. In other words, the dimples of Venus are considered as a genetic trait transmitted from parents to children, presumably as a dominant trait. As such, therefore, if one or both parents present the dimples of Venus, even the children deriving from their union should have them.


Aspect and Characteristics of the Venus Dimples

Venus dimples may have different characteristics from individual to individual, depending on the genes inherited from their parents.

These lateral lumbar recesses, in fact, do not take on the same appearance in all the individuals who possess them, but may have a more or less elongated shape, may have a more or less accentuated inclination, as they may be more or less marked and deep . In some individuals, even the dimples of Venus are indeed present, but so little accentuated as to be even almost invisible.

Did you know that ...

Even if the presence of the dimples of Venus is genetically determined and does not depend on the physical form of the individual, they could be attenuated or hidden in overweight or obese people. However, as mentioned above, this is not always true, since sometimes the dimples are not very perceptible even in subjects with an ideal weight.

How to get them or accentuate them

How to get the dimpled Venus?

Since the presence of the dimples of Venus can be traced back to a particular anatomical conformation determined genetically, if an individual is devoid of these lumbar recesses, it is in no way possible to obtain them (for example, with physical activity), unless intervene with complex cosmetic surgery operations.

Did you know that ...

As considered a symbol of beauty and extreme sensuality, the request to cosmetic surgeons to make "artificial" dimples of Venus has gradually increased over the last few years. To achieve this, specific liposculpture techniques have even been developed. However, the prices of the construction of Venus dimples are far from accessible since the average cost is around 4, 000-5, 000 pounds (approximately, around 4, 500-5, 500 euros).

How to Accentuate the Venus Dimples?

If, on the one hand, those who do not have these lumbar recesses cannot obtain them except through invasive surgical treatments, according to many, individuals who have little accentuated Venus dimples could make them more evident by performing targeted exercises that involve the area lumbar (an example is given by the so-called Superman exercise). However, there is no guarantee that this approach will be effective: some individuals may benefit from it, while others may not get changes of any kind.

Medical Relevance and Disorders

Medical Relevance of Venus Fossils and Possible Related Disorders

Venus dimples generally have no medical relevance, since they are not pathological anomalies and do not represent the sign of any disease. On the contrary, as repeatedly stated, the lumbar recesses object of the article simply represent a characteristic of the genetically acquired individual.

The dimples of Venus, therefore, do not create problems in terms of motility and functionality and should not give any symptoms. However, it is not unusual for several people with these lateral lumbar recesses to complain of pain and other discomfort. In such situations, the perceived symptomatology is not due to the presence of Venus dimples in itself but to disorders and diseases that involve the underlying tissues and organs. More in detail, the pain and / or other symptoms perceived by the individual and located near or near the dimples of Venus could be caused by:

  • Contractures, strains, tears, injuries or inflammations of the muscles located in the lumbosacral area;
  • Disorders and pathologies of the joints and / or ligaments underlying or adjacent to the dimples of Venus;
  • Nerve inflammations located at the lumbar and sacral level;
  • Disorders or pathologies of the vertebral column (for example: herniated disc; neoplastic pathologies such as vertebral tumors; fractures of the vertebrae; etc.), including some anomalies including scoliosis;
  • Arthritis ;
  • Disorders and pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract (kidney stones, urinary tract infections, etc.);
  • Disorders and pathologies of the female genital tract .

In light of what has been said so far, if pain or other symptoms should appear in or near the dimples of Venus, it is always good to consult your doctor. In fact, given the great variety of disorders and diseases that could be hidden behind the appearance of the aforementioned lumbosacral symptomatology, the doctor's intervention is absolutely necessary in order to guarantee a correct and timely diagnosis and a consequent treatment.

Legends and Beliefs

Legends and Popular Beliefs on the Fossette di Venere

From the aesthetic point of view, the dimples of Venus - in particular when present on the female back - are considered as an extremely sensual and attractive physical characteristic for the opposite sex. Not by chance, according to some of the legends circulating about this, these lumbar lateral indentations are called dimples of Venus because the same goddess of love and fertility possessed them (in fact, the dimples belong to the group of the so-called seven defects of Venus).

In addition to the myth surrounding the origin of the name of these small lateral symmetrical depressions, the beliefs concerning the dimples of venus are different.

In particular, there seems to be a widespread belief that the presence of the dimples of Venus would indicate good health and better blood circulation which, in turn, should facilitate the achievement of orgasm.

In reality, there is no evidence to show that the presence of Venus dimples could in any way represent a sign of good health for the organism or could positively influence the sexual life of the individual; just as there is no evidence to show that their absence can affect you negatively. Therefore, given the lack of certain scientific data, it would seem to be more a matter of widespread beliefs in the collective imagination.