diets for weight loss

Diet to Lose Weight


When during the change of season we realize that last year's trousers or shirts have become a little tight, we have two possibilities: take it out with the washing machine or run for cover by putting ourselves on a diet.

In addition to allowing us to wear old clothes with elegance, the ideal diet to lose weight also helps us feel better about ourselves and, more importantly, improves our general psychophysical well-being.

Last Minute Diets: Risks

What are the risks of going on a diet at the last minute?

The most important enemies we face when we decide to lose weight are hurry and laziness.

haste is the most important enemy to fight

First and foremost, it is essential to realize that drugs, last-minute weight-loss diets and various supplements do not represent a remedy, but an aggravating factor for overweight.

Although a strict diet followed for short periods of time may be encouraging (the balance's needle actually shifts to the left) weight loss is mostly only apparent (weight loss is mainly related to the depletion of glycogen stores and to dehydration).

Only if the diet is maintained for a long time, the weight loss is effectively linked to a reduction in fat mass.

But the trouble doesn't end there ...

Highly calorie-restricted diets can affect muscle mass, saving (proportionally) fat and laying the foundations for new weight gain.

If you choose to follow this path the disadvantages are numerous despite the first, apparent, good results.

Some hypothesize that there may also be a reduction in basal metabolism due to caloric restriction; this is opposed to weight loss and, as soon as you start eating normally again, all the lost pounds are bought back in a short time with lots of interest.

Repeated cycles of loss and weight gain (yoyo diets) encourage the body to increase its capacity to preserve fat deposits to cope with the phases of food restriction.

To tell the truth, the scientific studies carried out on the hypothetical reduction of basal metabolism have denied the hypothesis that it can be manifested so easily; it is rather an undesirable effect of prolonged fasting. It should be specified, however, that these experiments only examined short-term fasting reactions, leaving an unknown factor with regards to long-term changes in lower caloric restrictions but more lasting.

It can therefore become increasingly difficult to lose weight with a simple diet or through the use of slimming products. Here because:


Physical activity

why laziness can frustrate the whole strategy?

The contribution of a sedentary lifestyle to the development of overweight is very important.

Today, more than ever, many scholars agree that weight gain is linked more to a reduction in physical activity than to increased caloric intake.

In America, for example, the average weight of Americans has increased despite the overall caloric intake having decreased by 5-10% in recent years.

Let's see some key points concerning physical motor activity:

  1. Nine times out of ten a weight-loss program based solely on food restriction fails. Despite the good will, many of the diets started with the purpose of losing weight are in fact abandoned in the throes of hunger attacks that frustrate the efforts previously made.
  2. The only solution to this problem is to increase one's level of physical activity. Such an approach allows in many cases to lose weight even in the absence of a dietary restriction (referring to the previous normocaloric contribution).
  3. In fact, sportsmen have a higher metabolism and this means that their energy consumption is higher even when at rest.
  4. Moreover, the sport practice allows to keep the muscles intact, preventing catabolism.



Useful tips to follow in the diet to lose weight

In the case of a diet to lose weight, it may be useful to follow some tips:

  1. Follow a varied and balanced diet that creates not excessive caloric deficits (at most 500 kcal below the requirement).
  2. To quickly calculate your weight and the calories needed to reach it, use our automatic calculation form.
  3. To avoid eating more than you should or give in to too much temptation, brush your teeth at the end of a meal or put a chewing gum or sugar-free aromatic candy in your mouth.
  4. Eat slowly, this way you feel fuller faster
  5. Perform a mixed physical activity, alternating aerobic exercises (exercise bikes, running, brisk walking, cross-country skiing, endurance swimming) with muscular type exercises (weights, free-body toning exercises, with overloading or with elastic bands).
  6. To achieve the maximum slimming effect, physical activity must be protracted over time; only in this way will the improvements in body composition and metabolism be stable and lasting.
  7. Losing weight is important but always with an eye on one's health; therefore, to set your diet, refer to our food recommendations.