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Guaiaco in Herbalist: Property of the Guaiaco

Scientific name

Guaiacum officinale




South America

Used Parts

Drug consisting of wood ("wood iron")

Chemical constituents

  • Resin;
  • Essential oil (borneol, guaiacol and other terpenic derivatives);
  • Polysaccharides.

Guaiaco in Herbalist: Property of the Guaiaco

The use of guaiac wood for the preparation of herbal tea today is no longer common, because it irritates the stomach; the individual terpenes obtained from the essential oil are used as such, even in some drugs with mucolytic and sedative cough activity.


Avoid use in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components.

Pharmacological Interactions

  • possible gastrolesivity if in combination with NSAIDs and drugs with bitters.

Guaiaco - Warnings

Extracts or decoctions of guaiac wood should no longer be used, because they contain toxic norhydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA).