veterinary medicine

Marine animals: which are the most dangerous in the Mediterranean?

In the Mediterranean Sea, the main marine animals that can cause problems are jellyfish, sea ​​urchins and some fish (spider fish or trollus and redfish). A close encounter with these marine organisms produces various effects, as different are the harmful substances and the defense techniques activated when they encounter a potential aggressor (sting, contact, etc.).

At our latitudes, the tentacles of jellyfish release stinging substances, capable of causing, with contact, pain and reactions of the urticarial type (erythema, itching, swelling and edema) more or less intense. To alleviate local symptoms, it may be helpful to cleanse the area with warm salt water. After this first intervention, the doctor will prescribe the treatment (with antibiotics or antihistamines) that he will consider most suitable to solve the specific case.

Particular attention must also be paid to corals (provided with stinging tentacles): Mediterranean species are not as dangerous as tropical ones, but they can still cause annoying dermatitis.

Sea urchins owe their harmful action to the penetration of sharp and fragile spines, whose fragments remain fixed in the tissues. The sting causes immediate burning and pain. In this case, disinfection and complete removal of the spines from the skin must be carried out with the aid of tweezers (better if the maneuver is performed by expert health personnel). The lesion heals quickly, but if an infection occurs it is necessary to resort to antibiotic therapy.

Spider fish and redfish, on the other hand, through thorns distributed on their body, inoculate a toxic substance that causes extremely intense pain and edema of the affected limb. The inoculated poison is sensitive to heat, so it is useful to immerse the affected limb in very warm sea water (45 ° for at least an hour). In any case, it is advisable to contact the nearest Emergency Room when there are general signs such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, dizziness and loss of consciousness.