ear health

Swelling around the ear - Causes and Symptoms


Swelling around the ear can be a consequence of inflammatory and infectious processes. In conditions such as mastoiditis, ear infections and mumps, this symptom is often associated with contact tenderness.

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory process of the mastoid (bony prominence behind the ear), which causes intense pain with swelling in the retroauricular region.

The swelling around the ear is also one of the symptoms of acute external otitis, associated with pain, fever and yellow secretions. The swelling is localized, in particular, to the tragus, the external meatus and the external auditory canal.

Mumps is a viral infection that manifests itself with the painful enlargement of the parotid glands. The swelling, in this case, can extend in front of and below the ear, up to the lower portion of the mandibular branch and the zygomatic arch. Mumps can also be recognized by the presence of other symptoms, such as enlargement of laterocervical lymph nodes, pain on chewing or swallowing, headache, anorexia, fever and general malaise.

Other possible causes of periauricular swelling include herpes zoster oticus and some ear tumors .

Possible Causes * of Swelling Around the Ear

  • Herpes zoster oticus
  • Mastoiditis
  • Ear infection
  • Mumps
  • Sixth disease