infectious diseases

Diseases of the traveler: risks to consider

During the planning of a vacation, it is now known that the risk of contracting unusual infectious and parasitic disorders in Italy, but endemic in other parts of the world, must be taken into consideration.

This clearly depends on the type of trip and the destination chosen, however, if some "traveler's illnesses" represent only unpleasant inconveniences, others are dangerous and sometimes lethal. We remember, in fact, that among the main conditions to pay attention to when traveling in distant and wild places there are: traveler's diarrhea, malaria, dengue, chikungunya, typhoid fever, amoebiasis, cholera, yellow fever and HIV-AIDS.

Before leaving, therefore, it is always advisable to inquire about the sanitary conditions of the country you intend to visit, about compulsory or recommended pharmacological or vaccination prophylaxis and about the behaviors to be adopted on the spot.