sport and health

Global postural re-education

By Dr. Gianfranco De Angelis

Posturology, a transversal branch of medicine, involves specialists from different sectors with cultural backgrounds, languages ​​and even very heterogeneous operating methods. It deals with the study of posture, which represents, as we know, an integrated association of biomechanical, neurophysiological and neuropsychic phenomena that continually influence and compensate.

The concept of posture is no longer considered as a simple alignment of skeletal segments. It is the result of a harmonious relationship between the body, its parts and the external world in static-dynamic conditions.

Posture communicates, expresses our thinking, is the action of thought.

There are many factors that can cause postural changes: abnormal positions related to work, temporomandibular dysfunctions, oculo-motor dysfunctions, morphological alterations, vestibulopathies, psycho-emotional states, etc. they are the main culprits of vertebral pains, headaches, chronic muscular tensions and so on.

In this context, the individualized Postural Global Rehabilitation is inserted, a rehabilitative method aimed at the reacquisition of an interrupted somato-psychic equilibrium: making use of a careful inspection analysis and accurate tests, it has the purpose of giving back to the "system man "those characteristics of fluidity, harmony and well-being that are proper to him. This occurs through the learning of postures aimed at rebalancing the imbalances memorized by the complex "band" or through the re-elaboration of any traumas of an emotional nature, somatized in the form of chronic muscle contractions.

Fascial osteopathy, cranial sacral therapy, vertebral manipulation, somato-emotional release, bioenergetic analysis, Mèzières rehabilitation, connective tissue therapy, etc. are some examples of valid operative tools that can be used in the Individualized Global Postural Re-education .