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Treating anal fissures with herbs

This article aims to help the reader in the rapid identification of natural remedies useful in the treatment of various symptoms, disorders and pathologies. For some of the listed remedies, this utility may not have been confirmed by sufficient experimental tests conducted with a scientific method. Furthermore, any natural remedy presents potential risks and contraindications.

If available, we therefore recommend that you click on the link corresponding to the individual remedy to learn more about the topic. In any case, we remind you of the importance of avoiding self-treatment and to consult your doctor beforehand to ascertain the absence of contraindications and drug interactions.

Anal fissures are rather painful cuts - according to the medical definition of continuous linear solutions, without loss of substance, reluctant to spontaneous healing - affecting the anal orifice.

The causes of anal fissures are to be found, essentially, in the excessive or insufficient dilation of the anus during defecation, and in the friction produced by too hard stools. It is therefore not surprising that constipation, in addition to aggravating this annoying disorder, is also one of the main casual agents. Also diarrhea, due to the acid pH of the faeces emitted, favors the appearance of anal fissures, as well as a bad local hygiene or sexual practices that produce traumatisms in this region.

Natural and herbal remedies recognize one of their main applications in the treatment of anal fissures. Many medicinal species, in fact, contain standardized plant extracts useful in the treatment of fissures, a treatment which in the most severe cases cannot, however, disregard a surgical approach.

See also: natural remedies against anal fissures.

Medicinal plants and supplements useful for anal fissures

Hypericum oil, aromatic soaps based on essential oils (Lavender, Rosemary, Cypress, Geranium, Thyme, Sage), Aloe gel, Achillea Millefoglie, Centella Asiatica, Comfrey, Butcher's broom + Butcher's broom + Regularization of the intestinal function: diet rich in liquids and slags, with the possible use of fiber supplements or mild natural laxatives based on mucilage (linseed and psyllium, inulin, mallow, Plantain and marshmallow).