
Anabolic window

Anabolic window refers to the short period, following an intense training, in which the skeletal muscle is maximally predisposed to incorporate and use nutrients, for the synthesis of new contractile tissue and for repairing that damaged by physical activity . Normally the anabolic window coincides between 20 and 120 minutes from the end of the training.

To accentuate this sort of "sponge effect", which prepares the muscle tissue to "absorb" the substrates needed for protein synthesis and to restore energy supplies, it is advisable to consume "fast proteins", such as those of hydrolyzed milk whey, and medium and high glycemic index carbohydrates. This nutritional strategy aims to produce a glycemic overhang; the massive release of insulin that follows facilitates the entry of various nutrients into the cells, including muscle. The same "foresight" is also adopted for creatine; furthermore, since the proteins represent a moderate stimulus to insulin release, the combination of protein supplements and simple sugars (ratio 1: 1 - 0.7: 1) and creatine, constitutes one of the bodybuilders' favorite post-workout snacks, often enriched by amino acid supplements such as branched, glutamine, arginine and related salts.

Since the absorption of these "drinks" is not immediate, to take full advantage of the potential of the anabolic window it is recommended to take it within 15 minutes from the end of the training. After half an hour - an hour is recommended to consume a solid meal rich in protein and complex carbohydrates.

The anabolic window is therefore a typical concept of bodybuilding, where maximum muscle development is sought. In endurance sports, such as cycling, it is still important to intervene in a similar manner, increasing the share of low glycemic index carbohydrates (such as vitargo), at the expense of proteins, and inserting a small amount of mineral salts and vitamins.