veterinary medicine

Animals that use drugs

Drug use seems widespread among animals of different species.

A classic example is that of the so-called catnip (especially Nepeta cataria ) which causes the cat to smell its leaves and rub against it, only to lick and chew them with such pleasure and frenzy as to start purring.

What can we say about the fearsome Amanita muscaria, a poisonous and psychoactive mushroom with a characteristic red-spotted hat (pileus)? The reindeer do not seem to disdain from time to time a taste of this mushroom, a snack that leads them to wander stunned through the woods.

Then there is the case of the jaguar, which licks and chews the Banisteriopsis caapi, a psychoactive climbing plant that causes it to roll long in the ground before embarking on the hunt.

Finally, the example of wallabies, miniature kangaroos, fond of poppies cultivated for medicinal purposes that lead them to zompettare in the round until they fall prey to a euphoric crisis.