human health

Premature Ejaculation: Natural Remedies

There are not only pharmacological and psycho-sexual therapies useful for correcting premature ejaculation. In this final article the "unpleasant misunderstanding" according to the watchful eye of the herbalist and the homeopath will be developed, trying to analyze the possible natural remedies useful for controlling the ejaculatory impulses.

Natural remedies

A premise is necessary: ​​natural remedies are useful when the premature ejaculator perceives this condition not as a real and irreversible problem, rather as a small misunderstanding easily solved.

It is clear that, when the affected man interprets premature ejaculation as an insurmountable difficulty, it is difficult to find that the only natural remedies are sufficient: in such situations, in fact, the "sick" man very often hides much more twisted psychological-sexual disorders than you might think; consequently a multidisciplinary approach is indispensable.

Among the natural remedies useful for postponing the moment of no return - the ejaculatory impulse, to be precise - we first remember phytotherapy, homeopathy and flower therapy, but also ayurveda and aromatherapy have proved to be good aids to monitor ejaculatory schedules. The practices listed above are among the alternative medicines, but the fact remains that their effect can still be effective.

It should be repeated another time: natural remedies are only useful in those mild forms of premature ejaculation.

Considering that often premature ejaculation is influenced by anxiety and stress, phytotherapy offers valerian ( Valeriana officinalis ), passionflower ( Passiflora Incarnata ) and linden ( Tilia cordata ), drugs particularly indicated for their anxiolytic and relaxing properties: the phytocomplex that derives from these plants could be of help to live the romantic relationship with greater serenity, consequently the performance anxiety, an important etiological factor imputed in the premature ejaculation, is diminished.

Flower therapy specialists recommend Impatiens or Aspen to master ejaculatory impulses and promote self-control; homeopaths, on the other hand, suggest a treatment with Selenium 9CH, considered the most effective natural homeopathic remedy against premature ejaculation. When performance anxiety becomes a real obstacle for the life of the couple, the administration of Gelsenium 9CH is recommended.

Food and sport

Do not forget to always follow a healthy and balanced diet: patients who complain of premature ejaculation problems should prefer foods rich in omega3 and omega6 (of which fish and nuts are a precious source); also zinc, useful against stress, and foods rich in bioflavonoids (grapes, grapefruit, lemons etc.) favor the control of ejaculatory impulses.

Last but not least, sport, essential to obtain a certain mastery and awareness of oneself and one's body.


In evidence the man who, suffering from premature ejaculation, is unable to maintain a certain voluntary self-control on his ejaculatory reflex: in similar situations, the man, soon after sexual excitement, reaches orgasm very soon.

Nowadays, the sexual act is no longer aimed at mere procreation: it is right that the couple live the physical relationship in terms of desire, pleasure, harmony, serenity, fulfillment and mutual satisfaction.

Young men, who are about to enter the new world of sex, often appear emotionally fragile, as well as absolutely uninformed about sexual relationships: therefore it is not uncommon for impulses and emotions taken to the extreme without a minimum of self-control to play tricks. As can be guessed, premature ejaculation represents, even in similar situations, an obvious, almost obvious possibility.

Needless to say, when man cannot completely manage his body, not even getting the woman's physical satisfaction, the feeling of inadequacy (for man) is more than immediate. The woman must understand: there is not only physical fulfillment, there is also mental satisfaction. In some cases, it is the woman who does not put the man at ease, who - once excited - completely loses control of himself and terminates the relationship much earlier than expected. However, it is not said that the woman is always the cause of "unpleasant misunderstandings": the man and the woman should listen to themselves, understand the emotions and, at times, follow the instincts without inhibitions of any kind.

The goal is to fully live a serene relationship, separated from baseless anxieties and fears: premature ejaculation can also be won simply through dialogue.