
How long should the breaks between one series and another last?

Recovery and bodybuilding time

If between a set and the other one does not rest enough the muscles do not recover completely and the strength ends up being affected. If, on the other hand, you stop for too long a period of time, your heart rate slows down and the intensity of the training decreases excessively. If your goal is muscle growth the breaks between one set and another should be about a minute and a half

less depending on the trained muscle groups and the fibers that make them up.

The large muscle groups recover more slowly than the small muscle groups and recovery times in this case can reach two minutes.

Muscles consisting mainly of slow-twitch fibers should be trained with shorter breaks between sets, with smaller loads and more repetitions.

After a minute the body recovered almost completely, while after 3 minutes the recovery is maximum. However, such a long pause makes sense only if it is included in a strength program. If, on the other hand, rest is reduced to just one minute, the muscles are continuously stimulated until maximum muscle exhaustion is reached at the end of the training session.

The latter is the type of training that can increase the secretion of anabolic hormones such as testosterone and GH.

The pause between one series and the other must have the function of active rest, it must not serve to talk with friends or look in the mirror but it must improve the effectiveness of the training. In this regard it is useful to perform stretching exercises combined with isometric muscle contractions or to get out of the tool and take two steps to stimulate circulation.

If you train with a partner, you make your own series, then wait for your partner to do it and start again with the next series.

Finally, a personal consideration: the failure to respect the principles contained in this page is one of the most frequent errors I get to attend. Respecting recovery times between one series and another is very difficult and requires a lot of concentration, especially in an environment so full of distraction as the gym. However, if you want to get real results, try to keep an eye on the stopwatch between a series and the other, you will be amazed how incredibly intense and short your training session will become.