urinary tract health

Burning Underwear: What is it? Causes, Associated disorders and Remedies of G.Bertelli


Intimate burning is a symptom that involves a burning sensation in the genital system ; regardless of the cause, this disorder is particularly annoying, as it involves a very sensitive area.

The intimate burning can be determined by various causes and is found in both the female and male sexes. In most cases, this symptom results from an irritation, an inflammatory state or an infection of the genitals or urinary tract.

Intimate burning can be constant or occur only during certain activities, such as during sexual intercourse or after urination (for example, when urine comes into contact with inflamed or damaged areas of the genital region).

Depending on the etiology, intimate burning may occur suddenly or gradually, over weeks or months, and may be associated with other symptoms, such as itching, erythema, tenderness, vaginal or urethral leakage.

The evaluation of this symptom - essential to establish the correct therapy directed to the triggering cause - must be performed by the gynecologist and usually includes the anamnesis, physical examination and analysis of vaginal or urethral secretions. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of the pathological condition underlying intimate burning reduce the risk of possible complications.

What's this

What is meant by Brucienza Intimo?

Intimate burning is a symptom referred to as a burning sensation of varying severity, sudden or gradual onset.

Intimate burning occurs in men and, more frequently, in women ; in fact, due to its position and anatomical conformation, the female genital area is more susceptible to irritative phenomena and inflammatory processes. Intimate burning can affect individuals of any age .

Clearly, the extent of this problem varies according to the underlying cause and the individual factors that contribute to determining its appearance (eg irritative reactions, hormonal alterations and other situations that contribute to changing the physiological balance of the genitals). Often, intimate burning is associated with other symptoms and signs such as pain, loss, redness and itching.

Causes and Risk Factors

Burning Underwear: what is it caused by?

Intimate burning is an annoying sensation that recognizes various triggers, but in most cases it is caused by irritation, infection or inflammation. In some cases, the disorder has trivial reasons, while in other circumstances it may be a spy for a more serious problem, such as, for example, a sexually transmitted disease.

In women, the main causes of intimate burning are:


In women, intimate burning is often related to vaginitis, ie inflammation of the vagina.

The conditions that can favor the phlogistic process are different and, first of all, they include:

  • Increase of the local pH (secondary, for example, to menstrual blood or sperm in the post-coitus);
  • Alteration of microbial flora (reduction of lactobacilli due to poor personal hygiene or use of drugs, such as antibiotics or corticosteroids).

These situations predispose to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and make the vaginal mucosa more vulnerable to infectious attacks . The agents responsible for the vaginitis and intimate burning that follows are: fungi (such as Candida albicans ), bacteria ( Gardnerella vaginalis, streptococci, staphylococci, etc.), protozoa (eg Trichomonas vaginalis ) and, more rarely, viruses (eg herpes simplex).

The vaginitis from which intimate burning arises can also be caused by physical causes, such as:

  • Abrasions due to inadequate lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • Rubbing from over-tight clothing, especially if made with synthetic materials;
  • Prolonged contact with a foreign body (eg internal absorbents, residues of toilet paper or grains of sand).

Vaginitis can also result from irritation of the genital mucous membranes or allergic reactions to specific substances.

In both sexes, the causes of intimate burning include:


In both men and women, intimate burning can occur due to substances that can induce irritation of the genital area or hypersensitivity reactions (or allergies ). The disturbance may derive, for example, from the excessive use of intimate cleansers and vaginal cleaners or from residues of fabric softeners and laundry detergents on the laundry. In susceptible people, the risk of suffering from intimate burning can also depend on: deodorants, depilatory creams, soaps, shower gel and perfumed toilet paper.

Occasionally, irritation and a burning sensation can result from the use of latex lubricants or prophylactics.

The category of potential sensitizing agents also includes vaginal creams, spermicides, vaginal contraceptive rings, diaphragms or intrauterine devices.


Normally, in women of reproductive age, lactobacilli are the predominant constituents of the vaginal microbial flora. Colonization by these bacteria is normally protective, as it keeps the vaginal pH at normal values ​​(between 3.8 and 4.2) and prevents the excessive growth of pathogenic microorganisms. However, in situations that can alter the vaginal ecosystem, the genitals can be vulnerable.

Bacterial vaginosis is a very common genital infection characterized by a vaginal dismicrobism that causes an increase in pathogenic bacteria. Often, its presence is signaled by itching, intimate burning and increased vaginal discharge (homogeneous grayish-white secretions, characterized by a bad smell). If neglected, bacterial vaginosis can cause gynecological complications, in addition to favoring the transmission of venereal diseases that can be spread through sexual intercourse.


Intimate burning is often one of the first signs of a sexually transmitted infection, such as: genital herpes, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and chlamydia . Also condylomata acuminata (rooster crests) and syphilis can lead to this manifestation.

  • HORMONAL IMBALANCES (menopause, pregnancy and drug therapies)

In women of reproductive age, high levels of estrogen maintain the thickness of the vaginal mucosa, reinforcing the local defenses. On reaching menopause, on the other hand, the physiological decline in the production of these hormones causes the walls of the vagina to thin and can lead to problems such as dryness, itching and intimate burning ( atrophic vaginitis ).

The reduction of estrogen and the resulting burning sensation can also represent the side effect of some drugs or some particular treatments, such as surgical removal of the ovaries, pelvic irradiation and chemotherapy.

The appearance of intimate burning may also occur due to hormonal changes typical of the postpartum period or breastfeeding.

  • OTHER POSSIBLE CAUSES in men and women

Intimate burning can be determined by a number of other disorders involving external genitalia and urinary tract, including:

  • Repeated episodes of cystitis ;
  • Parasitosis, including scabies or pediculosis of the pubis;
  • Neurological lesions (eg Tarlov cysts, post-traumatic outcomes of the pudendal nerve, etc.);
  • Scratch- induced micro-traumas due to local itching, abrasions due to inadequate lubrication during sexual intercourse and rubbing against too tight clothing.

Furthermore, in men, intimate burning can be indicative of the following pathological conditions:

  • Urethritis ;
  • Prostatitis ;
  • Balanite ;
  • Prostate calculations .

The intimate burning may also depend on states of immunodepression and systemic diseases, such as diabetes. In some cases, this manifestation may be associated with dermatological diseases (including dermatitis, lichen sclerosus and psoriasis) and psychosomatic or psychiatric disorders (such as stress, anxiety and depression).

Symptoms and Complications

Burning Intimate: how does it manifest itself?

When intimate burning occurs in a sensitive area, such as the vagina, vulva or glans, it can be particularly annoying.

The disorder can manifest itself as a burning sensation of varying severity in the genital area:

  • During urination;
  • With the contact (eg pressure or rubbing);
  • After a sexual relationship;
  • Without any kind of solicitation.

Depending on the cause, intimate burning may or may not be accompanied by other local and sometimes general symptoms (eg fever and weakness).

In women, intimate burning can be distinguished in:

  • Internal intimate burning : it is felt at the level of the internal female genitalia (cervix and vagina) or urinary tract;
  • Burning intimate external : it is manifested by vulva and labia majora.

Burning Male underwear: possible associated ailments

In humans, depending on the underlying pathological condition, male intimate burning can occur in combination with:

  • Hematuria (blood in the urine);
  • Urethral leakage or pus emission from the penis;
  • Itching and redness of the glans;
  • Dysuria (pain on urination);
  • Frequent urination or recurrent sensation of having to urinate;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia);
  • Painful ejaculation;
  • Abdominal or pelvic pain;
  • Skin eruptions;
  • High fever;
  • Testicular pain.

Burning Female underwear: what other symptoms do they show?

In women, intimate burning can be associated with other manifestations, such as:

  • Sensitivity to touch or pain in the external or internal genitals;
  • Redness;
  • Swelling of the external genitalia;
  • Vulvar or vaginal itching;
  • Slight bleeding or frank blood loss;
  • Leucorrhoea (whitish vaginal discharge);
  • Vaginal dryness;
  • Painful sexual relationships;
  • Dysuria.

In some cases, there may also be excoriations, small blisters and ulcerations.

Burning Underwear: when does it manifest itself and how long does it last?

The severity of intimate burning and its duration vary according to the causes that led to this symptom, from mild to extremely disabling.

Intimate burning may arise in a sudden or gradual manner (ie worsening during the day, without any intervention or substance reliably relieving it); in other cases, however, the disorder is only transitory or tends to present itself with a certain recurrence. The duration of intimate burning can vary from a few days up to several weeks.


Burning Underwear: when to go to the doctor?

In the event that the intimate burning does not show signs of regressing within a few days, it is advisable to contact your doctor or have a gynecologist or andrologist refer you to determine the causes.

The evaluation of intimate burning involves, first of all, the collection of anamnestic data (complete medical history of the patient) and the gynecological or andrological examination, for the examination of the female or male genitals respectively. In fact, during the inspection, suggestive symptoms and signs can be found regarding the possible causes involved.

In the diagnosis phase, it is also important to consider which ongoing drug therapies may have altered the genital microenvironment (as in the case, for example, of taking antibiotics).

Burning Underwear: which exams are indicated?

To define the etiology of intimate burning, the doctor can collect a urine sample and take small amounts of genital secretions . Measurement of the pH and microscopic examination of this material gives a first indication of the condition that caused the burning sensation. If the results of the preliminary analyzes are inconclusive, the samples taken may be placed in culture in order to determine which is the microorganism responsible for the symptomatology.

In women, the doctor can also use a cervical swab to take a sample of secretions from the cervix and check for infections with microbiological examination.

Based on the diagnostic suspicion and the evidences found with the inspection of the genitals, aimed above all to exclude preventively the presence of lesions, it is possible that clinical and laboratory verifications are indicated, among which:

  • Blood test to check for any blood chemistry alterations indicative of an ongoing inflammation or infection;
  • Allergy tests to ascertain probable hypersensitivity reactions;
  • Biopsy and histological examination of suspicious lesions.

Treatment and Remedies

Burning Underwear: how can it be treated?

Once the diagnosis is made, the treatment is aimed at specific causes: usually, the problem is solved once the underlying pathology is successfully managed and the burning is only a symptom . However, some precautions can help minimize the problem.

Pharmacological therapy

The first approach to intimate burning consists in removing any aggravating or triggering factors locally, such as potentially irritating hygiene products.

Based on the causes identified during the diagnostic procedure, the treatment of intimate burning could consist in the use of drugs, subject to the advice of your doctor.

If a vaginitis of bacterial origin was present, for example, the therapy involves the use of antibiotics, to be taken orally or applied topically for a few days. In the presence of fungal infections, however, the use of antifungal drugs is indicated.

In case of allergic or irritative phenomena, it is necessary to suspend the use of the sensitizing substance that caused the reaction. If the symptoms are moderate or intense, the doctor may prescribe a treatment based on antiseptic and anti-inflammatory products, such as benzydamine.

Remedies to counteract the Burning Intimate

In addition to scrupulously following the therapy indicated by the doctor, it is essential to correct the predisposing factors and to adopt some precautions, such as:

  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent sexually transmitted infections.
  • Respect the food standards for a correct and balanced diet.
  • Choose undergarments that ensure proper transpiration and do not irritate the genital area. Therefore, the use of pure cotton linens should be preferred, preferably white; this natural tissue allows a correct tissue oxygenation and limits the stagnation of secretions.
  • Avoid vaginal lavages if not necessary: ​​subjecting the vagina to intense hygienic practices can upset the balance of bacteria normally present in it and increase the risk of infections. Even the use of intimate cleansers should not be carried out excessively: this habit could alter the natural vaginal immune defenses and the saprophytic microbial flora.
  • When washing, prefer the shower to the bathroom: rinse the detergent used well and dry well to avoid moisture stagnation. Do not use too harsh soaps and avoid the continuous use of intimate deodorant wipes, pantiliners, internal absorbents and acid pH soaps.
  • After using the toilet, it is a good idea to clean yourself from the front to the back: in this way you avoid the spread of fecal bacteria to the vagina. Furthermore, attention must be paid to the adoption of correct hygiene measures, such as remembering to wash your hands and after each evacuation and urination.