diabetes drugs

GLICOBASE ® Acarbose

GLICOBASE ® is a drug based on acarbose

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Oral anti-diabetics

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Directions GLICOBASE ® - Acarbose

GLICOBASE ® is used as a pharmacological aid to the dietary plan in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, and in combination therapy with insulin in the treatment of the first type diabetic patient.

Mechanism of action GLICOBASE ® - Acarbose

Acarbose is a molecule of bacterial derivation, which thanks to its saccharid-like structure, can act selectively at the intestinal level, reducing the activity of enzymes such as alpha glycosidases, involved in the normal digestion of di and polysaccharides derived from the diet.

The inhibition of these enzymes therefore, reduces the availability and absorption of glucose, making the post-prandial glycemic increase gradual and modest and thus exerting its antidiabetic action, essentially modulating the post-prandial glucose metabolism.

The reduced systemic absorption of this active ingredient makes GLICOBASE ® safe from a pharmacokinetic point of view, guaranteeing its active ingredient a selective action at the level of the intestinal environment and a subsequent elimination through the faeces.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


The main complications of type II diabetes include the condition of macroangiopathy, predisposing to the development of the atherosclerotic condition and associated cardiovascular diseases. Diabetic and overweight patients are certainly the most at risk category, for which drug therapy and not becomes necessary for preventive action. Acarbose is a drug particularly suitable for the treatment of this condition, given its efficacy both from a metabolic point of view, in keeping post-prandial glycemia under control, and in preventing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.


Given the particular success that acarbose has received especially in the treatment of conditions such as prediabetes, predisposing to frank disease, scientific research has focused on the design of new alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, which can be used as an alternative to acarbose. Although there are still no alternative products on the market, the research has identified substances able to exert an inhibiting action of alpha-glucosidase by as much as 70%, for which a clinical implication is expected.


Hyperuricemia is a particularly dangerous condition, as it is predisposed to inflammatory pathologies such as gout. Leaving aside the possible genetic causes, several studies support the role of sucrose in reducing renal excretion of uric acid, increasing its plasma concentration. In light of these data, the intake of acarbose concomitantly with sucrose for two weeks inhibited the increase in serum uric acid inhibiting its reabsorption.

Method of use and dosage

GLICOBASE ® acarbose 100 mg coated tablets: the initial dosage should include taking ½ tablet 3 times a day in conjunction with the first mouthfuls of the meal, and then varying according to the glycemic levels and the specific needs of the patient.

It is therefore the doctor who must establish the correct dosage of the drug based on those that are the therapeutic standards and the physio-pathological conditions of the patient.

Warnings GLICOBASE ® - Acarbose

The pharmacological approach with GLICOBASE ® especially in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, should necessarily be combined with a correct lifestyle, and eating habits that control the intake of carbohydrates and saturated fats.

Both the assumption and suspension of acarbose therapy should take place under strict medical supervision and with periodic monitoring of the patient's glycemic values, in order to avoid metabolic disorders, responsible for the development of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia conditions, especially when associated with hypoglycemic.

Despite the fact that acarbose as such is not associated with the risk of hypoglycaemia, it is important to consider that, in case of concomitant intake of hypoglycemic agents, the potential hypoglycaemia could make the use of machinery and driving vehicles dangerous.


GLICOBASE ® is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, given the lack of studies that characterize the safety profile of the acarbose for the health of the unborn child and of the infant.

In the case of gravidic diabetes, it is therefore important that glycemic control is guaranteed by more studied drugs characterized as insulin.


Concomitant intake of other hypoglycemic drugs could cause a significant drop in blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of hypoglycemia, which is difficult to recover with oral sugar intake, given the therapeutic effect of GLICOBASE ®

For this reason it is important to constantly monitor the glycemic levels and eventually to correct the therapeutic dosage.

It is also important to consider that the accumulation of sugars in the intestinal lumen, following diets rich in carbohydrates, could increase the risk of gastro-intestinal side effects due to increased gas production, following fermentation by the intestinal flora.

Digestive enzymes, intestinal adsorbents and cholestyramine may alter the therapeutic efficacy of GLICOBASE ®

Contraindications GLICOBASE ® - Acarbose

GLICOBASE ® is contraindicated in case of chronic enteropathies and alterations of digestion and absorption, celiac disease, intestinal obstructions or ulcerations and severe renal failure.

The drug is also contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to one of its excipients and during the period of pregnancy and lactation.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

Intake of GLICOBASE ® was found to be free of clinically relevant side effects.

In most cases, adverse reactions have affected the gastro-intestinal tract with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and flatulence, while cases of impaired liver function and hypersensitivity to the drug accompanied by dermatological reactions have been rare.


GLICOBASE ® is salable only under medical prescription.