
CLA - ProAction

About CLA - ProAction

CLA - ProAction

Food supplement based on conjugated linoleic acid


Pack of 60 capsules


Conjugated linoleic acid concentrate (clarinol); Jelly; Glycerol

Antioxidant: natural tocopherols.

Per serving (2 capsules): CLA 720mg; Korean pine 720 mg

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) - the CLA or conjugated linoleic acid, is a set of fatty acids characterized by a carbon skeleton with 18 carbon atoms and 2 double bonds.

In nature, their synthesis takes place inside the rumen (pre-grain of ruminants with digestive function), through bacterial processes of incomplete biohydrogenation of linoleic acid. Synthetically, instead, CLA is obtained from safflower oil, through a series of chemical processes of transformation in an alkaline environment. Although it is chemically possible to predict 16 different isomers, in nature two are mainly observed: cis9 - trans11 and trans10 - cis 12, responsible for the biological effects. Consequently, both in the various foods (milk and derivatives, meats and some vegetable oils), and in dedicated dietary products, an equal distribution is observed between the two forms. Absorbed at the intestinal level, with a digestive kinetics comparable to that of any other fat, these isomers selectively concentrate in specific tissues, and in particular C9, T11 especially in the muscular level, and T10, C12 at adipose level. The different tissue tropism and the different distribution significantly influence their activity, so as to be able to describe even opposite effects depending on their concentration, but also partly justify the aura of doubt surrounding the use of this supplement.

The absence of specific enzymes (desaturases), capable of reproducing the pathway illustrated in ruminants, together with the importance of these compounds in human physiology, make CLA an essential fatty acid, which must necessarily be taken through nutrition.

The hundreds of studies that tested and evaluated the activity of this molecule, allowed to identify some key biological functions:

Anti-cancer function: demonstrated both through in vitro models and through animal models, and mediated by the regulation of the apoptotic process and the cell cycle;

Immunomodulatory function: mainly induced by the C9, T11 isomer, it guarantees a significant reduction of allergic processes, positively regulating the specific immune response;

Antithrombotic function: performed through a control of cholesterol levels and a significant reduction in the expression of pro-inflammatory factors, such as arachidonic acid, thromboxanes, leukotrienes and PGE. This feature of the CLA guarantees protection against many cardiovascular diseases.

CLA and sport

The use of CLA in sports practice is mainly due to the effects of the T10, C12 isomer on adipose tissue. Several evidences, particularly significant on various animal models, still discussed on men, suggest an important role in the regulation of body composition, with a significant decrease in fat mass levels in favor of the lean one. The mechanisms hypothesized at the base of what is the main objective of many athletes, include:

  1. Inhibition of lipogenesis, mediated by the reduction of lipoproteinlipase activity.
  2. Thermogenic effect, induced by the increased expression of uncoupling proteins that allow to dissipate most of the energy in the form of heat;
  3. Induction of the beta oxidation process, guaranteed by the activation of carnitine acetyl transferase;
  4. Induction of apoptosis of pre-adipocytes.

Although the main application remains the one just described, recent scientific evidence has also demonstrated an important ergogenic effect, particularly intense in older individuals, when CLA is administered concomitantly with creatine monohydrate.

Rationale - CLA - ProAction

Although the scientific literature is particularly rich in studies in which the efficacy of supplementation with CLA is evaluated, to date still remains an important doubt about the damage / benefit ratio. This aura of skepticism that accompanies integration with CLA is partly justified:

the presence of medium-term side effects, particularly evident in patients suffering from diseases, such as the metabolic syndrome, for which CLA should be recommended;

from discordant and insignificant results on human efficacy;

by a different and specific effect of the various isomers;

from the presence of a conspicuous experimental literature with encouraging data.

The absence, therefore, of a concerted opinion and the presence on the market of other supplements that are probably more effective, more tested and safer, significantly limit the spread of CLA. For the same reasons, the user who faces the use of this supplement should always make a critical evaluation supported by the opinion of industry experts.

Recommended use by the company - CLA - ProAction

We recommend 3 capsules a day, taken with a little water during meals.

Use in sports - CLA - ProAction

The scientific literature proposes different dosages, in most cases between 2 and 6 grams per day. The most successful trials use oral doses of CLA equal to 3.4 gr / day, divided into different daily assumptions.

Given the dosage of CLA present in each capsule (about 800mg), 4 capsules should be sufficient to reach the dosage recommended by the various studies.

Given the lipid nature of the product, its intake should be carried out in conjunction with meals to improve absorption.

The times of recruitment are particularly prolonged as they accompany the slimming process, extending in most cases over six weeks.

Synergies CLA - ProAction

DIETARY PLAN AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: in order for CLA to assist weight loss, it is NECESSARY to program a controlled, healthy and possibly low-calorie diet, associated with a programmed physical activity adapted to individual needs.

Also in this case it is possible to describe some studies carried out on animals that associate CLA to arginine, recording positive effects on the increase in lean mass, but which make little sense, given the absence of the equivalent in humans.

Side Effects CLA - ProAction

Despite the absence of serious side effects recorded following the intake of CLA, there are various reports of possible pejorative effects in various pathological conditions:

  • Increase in inflammatory biomarkers (reactive c protein and white blood cells): despite these findings, CLA has proved particularly useful due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Increase in insulin resistance: this effect, which seems to be more pronounced for the T10, C12 isomer, drops significantly when an evenly composed mixture is used.
  • Increased oxidative stress: increased lipoperoxidation levels.
  • Dyslipidemic effect: associated with the T10 isomer, C12 materializes with a reduction in plasma HDL cholesterol levels, with an increase in LDL.

Precautions for use CLA - ProAction

The product is contraindicated in cases of renal or hepatic disease, cardiovascular disease and / or hypertension, during pregnancy, during lactation and under 14 years. In the event of prolonged use (over 6/8 weeks), medical advice is required.

This article, elaborated on the critical re-reading of scientific articles, university texts and common practice, is for informational purposes only and is therefore not a medical prescription. It is therefore always necessary to consult your doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist before starting to use any kind of supplement . More information on the critical analysis of CLA - ProAction.


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Efficiency of conjugated linoleic acid for reducing fat mass: a meta-analysis in humans.

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Supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid for 24 months is well tolerated by body fat mass in healthy, overweight humans.

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Dietary supplementation of L-arginine and conjugated linoleic acid reduces retroperitoneal fat mass and increases lean body mass in rats.

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The effect of conjugated linoleic acid supplementation after weight loss on body weight regain, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in overweight subjects.

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Effect of CLA supplementation on an immune function in young healthy volunteers.

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