health of the nervous system

Hypnic headache: what is it?

Hypnic headache is a form of headache that has the characteristic of appearing during sleep at night (in some cases, it can occur during the afternoon nap); it does not appear, instead, when one is awake.

This particular disorder begins after 50 years of age and causes a dull pain, comparable to a "head weight". The attack of hypnic headache affects both sides of the head in 60% of cases, it lasts from 15 to 180 minutes after waking up and the frequency is at least 15 times a month. The intensity of the headache is moderate and causes the awakening of the subject who suffers from it.

The causes of this form of headache are unknown, but, given the particular mode of presentation, hypothalamic structures are hypothesized.

Hypnic headache benefits from taking a cup of coffee before going to bed. This simple remedy helps relieve pain, allowing for a better rest (even if less deep).