
Unwanted hairs


For the fair sex, that of superfluous hair is a problem that is as timely as ever, but far from being a real novelty. Already in ancient Egypt, in fact, hair removal was very widespread, particularly among women of high social rank.

The real revolution of recent years is the greater involvement of the male sex, increasingly intent on getting rid of what until recently was considered a sign of innate virility.


Unwanted hair becomes more evident in people with dark complexions and black hair, typical features of the Mediterranean breed. In women, they make their appearance in puberty and from this moment on they will represent a faithful but uncomfortable life partner. In general, facial hair becomes more evident in the years between menopause, thanks to a decline in the relationship between estrogens and androgens. Just the latter are responsible for the differences with the male body, where unwanted hair is distributed almost everywhere, so that, as a rule, the higher the levels of androgens and the greater the degree of bodily villosity. Furthermore, an excess of these hormones predisposes to acne, seborrhea and hair loss.

Unwanted hairs and androgens

The extent of the problem of unwanted hair depends very much on the sensitivity of hair follicles to the action of androgenic hormones (based on the number and distribution of androgen receptors, enzymes involved in their metabolism, as well as estrogen and protein levels of transport present in the blood). For this reason it is not said that a bald and very hairy man produces more androgens than those with normal hair growth; in other words, unwanted hair cannot be considered an irrefutable symbol of manhood.

The exaggerated growth of terminal hairs in response to high levels of androgens may have a congenital or acquired origin. In the first case, the problem appears at a young age and remains so throughout life, while in the second it has an abrupt and worrying beginning. Numerous conditions can underlie the abnormal growth of unwanted hair: ovarian diseases (polycystic ovary, tumors), adrenal pathologies (Cushing's syndrome, tumors) or the use of certain drugs (anabolic steroids, cortisone for long periods, danazol) .

The presence, in the woman, of hard and coarse hairs, extended in typical sites of the male (upper lip, chin, thorax), is called hirsutism (the topic is widely discussed in this article).

The marked male hairiness, instead, except in exceptional cases, is not considered a pathological condition.

Remove unwanted hair

The desire to finally get rid of the overabundant down is increasingly alive in the minds of the Italians. It is good to remember, in this regard, that the elimination of unwanted hair can be carried out through two different basic techniques: depilation and epilation. While the first term refers to the simple removal of the hair shaft (the part that emerges from the skin), epilation also removes the hair root, including the bulb (for this reason it represents a more rational and definitive solution to the problem of unwanted hair ).

The techniques available, in both cases, are varied and numerous: they range from the classic and timeless razor (depilation) to modern laser treatments (epilation). Each person should be guided towards the choice of the method or combination of methods most suitable to himself, based on the cost, the time available, the type of skin and the characteristics of the hair he wishes to remove.


The main depilation and hair removal techniques currently used to remove the much hated unwanted hair will be briefly described below.

Discoloration of unwanted hair

The discoloration of unwanted hair is ideal for light complexions, not for dark ones, excellent for thin but rather pigmented hairs.

It is a fairly inexpensive technique and not too expensive in terms of time; however, it can cause irritation and allergic problems.

The duration of the discoloration depends on the time of growth of the hair, therefore it can vary a lot from individual to individual. However, in general, it is advisable to bleach every two or three months.

Removal of unwanted hair by shaving

The best solution for lazy people, the worst for those who want to keep their skin smooth for a long time. Shaving is, in fact, a very fast and economical method, but it causes the "sandpaper" effect. In addition to this, the duration of shaving is really very short and must be repeated every two or three days.

Contrary to what one might think and the various urban legends about it, shaving does not accelerate hair growth, nor does it reinforce it or make it darker.

Removal of unwanted hair by waxing

If performed by expert hands (beauticians), waxing ensures a positive result for a few weeks. It doesn't cost too much, but pain and irritation make the less brave desist. Moreover, this method is contraindicated for sensitive skin or covered with a diffuse and coarse hair.

In the market, in supermarkets and perfumeries, there are several ready-to-use kits available for waxing even in the home.

Removal of unwanted hair by sugaring

Sugaring is a particular epilatory technique also known as "Arab wax". It is a very ancient method, so much so that it appears to have been used already in ancient Egypt by Queen Cleopatra in person.

This particular waxing is prepared using white sugar (300 grams), water (50 grams) and lemon juice (50 grams). The three ingredients must be mixed and heated over low heat for at least 20-25 minutes, until a homogeneous and very thick mixture is obtained with a golden color, similar to that of honey. After that, the mixture must be allowed to cool and then spread on the areas to be epilated with your hands, or with the aid of a wooden stick, then proceeding as if you were performing a classic waxing.

This particular DIY technique is enjoying great success and seems to be better tolerated than the classic wax wax.

Removal of unwanted hair by threading

Threading (an English word meaning "fillet") is an ancient depilation technique that has its origins in faraway India.

It consists in performing a depilation with the aid of carefully twisted cotton threads between them. These threads are made to slide over the area that is to be waxed, removing excess hair. The passage of the wires causes a tingling sensation, despite this, it seems that this method is still more delicate compared to the classic hair removal methods.

Removal of unwanted hair by tweezers

It is a method from the Carthusian monks, ideal as a finish, but impossible to depilate very extensive body regions.

Hair removal using depilatory creams

The use of depilatory creams to remove unwanted hair is a simple but temporary solution to the problem. With a duration of action and long-term efficacy halfway between waxing and razor. The use of depilatory creams is a painless method, but can cause major irritation and allergic reactions.

Elimination of unwanted hair by electrolysis or electrocoagulation

In most cases, this technique ensures almost final removal of unwanted hair. However, the drawbacks are not lacking: it is expensive, requires more sessions and, if used by inexperienced personnel, it can be painful and particularly irritating to the skin.

These epilation techniques are extremely delicate to perform, for this reason they can only be performed by specialized personnel. Furthermore, they are contraindicated in patients with peacemakers or other electronic devices.

Removal of unwanted hair by pulsed light

Epilation with pulsed light is indicated for people with fair skin and dark hair. It is based on the emission of a light of strong intensity, at a specific wavelength and of short duration which - through the production of heat - is able to destroy the hair at its root.

Following treatment with pulsed light, it is good to avoid sun exposure for at least a week. It cannot be considered a permanent method, because in some people, the hair grows back after a certain period of time. Furthermore, several sessions are needed to achieve the desired results.

Removal of unwanted hair by laser

Epilation with laser technology is based on the emission of light beams at specific wavelengths that generate heat capable of heating the hair root and stem. By doing this, sitting after session, you should get thinning and the consequent thinning of unwanted hair.

It is considered a safe method, but it is expensive and more sessions are needed to be able to completely eliminate unwanted hair. Also in this case, the effects are not permanent, even if very long-lasting.