
Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy: What Are They? Causes and Remedies of G.Bertelli


The symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy are indicative of the period of changes that the body of the future mother is preparing to face.

In the early stages of gestation, every woman can present these manifestations with different modalities and times .

In some cases, these are simple annoyances, such as swollen belly, back pain or headache; at other times, more unpleasant disorders appear, including nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, fever and exhaustion.

Often, the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy are obvious and / or felt from the first days after conception. On some occasions, however, these "signals" may be delayed in appearing or not appearing at all.

What are

What are the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy?

The symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy are a set of manifestations, of variable magnitude, that occur after conception .

The most obvious and known manifestation is the delay of menstruation (amenorrhea) starting from the first cycle following the fertilizing coital relationship. This is not, however, the only consequence of the changes associated with the start of gestation.

Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy: Which Are the Most Common?

More frequently, the symptoms of the first few weeks of pregnancy include:

  • Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation on the expected days);
  • Small blood loss (plant spotting);
  • Increase in breast volume and change in nipple color;
  • Pollakiuria (more frequent urination to urinate);
  • Nausea ;
  • Fatigue and greater desire to sleep;
  • Mood swings ;
  • Headache ;
  • Mild pain in the lower part of the abdomen.


The symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy represent the signal with which the body communicates to the future mother the changes that are about to occur.

The changes begin immediately after conception : in the first weeks, every 48 hours the levels of chorionic gonadotropin ( hCG) double, whose function is to stimulate the corpus luteum to produce progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy.

How Does Conception occurs?

  • Conception takes place after sexual intercourse, when the spermatozoa, rising up the uterus, reach the mature egg cell, released from the ovary during ovulation and available for fertilization.
  • The fertilized egg is transported by the movement of the ciliated cells of the tubas in the direction of the uterine cavity, where it lurks in the endometrium, ie the internal mucosa of the uterus. These events occur approximately 6-7 days after unprotected sexual intercourse (ie around the 21st day of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, if fertilization took place on the fourteenth day).
  • At this point, the production of the chorionic gonadotropin also begins, whose "beta" subunit is important for the functioning of the pregnancy test .

When can a pregnancy begin?

The period in which it is possible for the egg to be fertilized starts 4-5 days before ovulation and ends 1-2 days later . This is possible in view of the fact that the mature egg cell, when it is expelled from the ovary, manages to survive for about 24 hours, while the spermatozoa can remain viable in the female genital apparatus for up to 72-96 hours. Therefore, unprotected sexual intercourse even 3 or 4 days before ovulation can lead to fertilization.

Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy: Why Do They Show Up?

The presentation of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy depends on metabolic, hormonal, gastrointestinal and psychological factors .

As soon as conception occurs, the female body begins to experience some disorders due to hormonal changes and other changes that accompany the beginning of gestation, such as:

  • The rapid increase in estrogen and progesterone;
  • Reduction of blood sugar levels;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • The increase in volume (total volume of circulating blood).

These and other factors add up and contribute to the disappearance of menstrual flow and to the feeling of fatigue that is very frequent in early pregnancy.

Progesterone is also responsible for:

  • Alterations in taste and smell ;
  • Mood swings ;
  • Headache .

Meanwhile, the metabolism slows down and it is easier for the pregnant woman to suffer from:

  • Stomach acid ;
  • Difficulty of digestion .

Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy: After How Long Do You Alert?

The symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy are very subjective .

Not all women, in fact, feel the same signs with the same timing: some future mothers begin to feel the first ailments very early, others do not perceive anything until the first visit to the gynecologist.

Normally, the alarm bell of a possible pregnancy is represented by the delay of the cycle (in general, starting from 10 days after fertilization ).

In most cases, the other symptoms are felt starting from the fifth to sixth week of gestation, or about 3-4 weeks after conception .


Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy: How do you recognize them?

The symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy can be different and numerous and change from woman to woman . Sometimes, even the same mother can live two gestations differently.

In some cases, it is possible that the desire for motherhood influences perceptions and makes one believe that one is pregnant.

At other times, it can happen to confuse the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy with a trivial flu or for premenstrual disorders, especially if the pregnancy is not planned.

Amenorrhea or Absence of Menstruation

One of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy that a woman of fertile and sexually active age thinks when she suspects she is pregnant is the delay in menstruation .

If after conception, the missed appearance of the flow on the expected day (or in the vicinity of the same, based on the regularity of one's menstrual cycle) is strongly indicative of the beginning of a pregnancy.

Clearly, the delay of menstruation is not always attributable to this situation.

The menstrual flow can be delayed or not present due to numerous factors such as:

  • The abrupt changes in weight ;
  • Stress ;
  • Climate changes ;
  • Intake of particular drugs .

To rule out doubts, you can run a pregnancy test for domestic use.

If a woman has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, this can be done from the first day of delayed menstruation, ie about 7 days from the nesting of the fertilized egg and 14 from the alleged conception. In fact, in general, these instruments are able to identify the beta-HCG hormone from 8 to 11 days after ovulation .

However, since:

  • Not all tests are able to detect the lowest concentrations of the hormone in the urine


  • It is not always possible to establish the exact moment in which the ovulatory phase occurs, especially when the cycles are irregular,

it is better to carry out the test after four or five days of menstrual delay .

In any case, if the test was performed correctly, you can wait a few days and repeat the test to confirm the result (often, the package contains two sticks).

When the home pregnancy test is POSITIVE, it is practically certain that the pregnancy has begun, but it is advisable to confirm the result through a blood test (plasma dosage) and fix an initial gynecological examination .

If the outcome is DOUBT or NEGATIVE and the menstrual delay is prolonged, it is good to talk to your doctor or your gynecologist.

To learn more: Pregnancy Test - When you can do and how to interpret the Result »

Small Blood Losses

Spotting from embryo implantation is one of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy that manifests itself with small blood loss, bright red or dark. These droplets of blood are found in some cases, about one or two weeks after the fertilization of the egg (just when menstrual losses are expected), when the embryo begins its process of nesting in the endometrium of the uterus.

Implant spotting can confuse the woman, as they may be similar to a very slight menstrual flow. In reality, these blood losses are among the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy.

At pregnancy that has just begun, a minor blood loss can also occur due to other causes, such as the rupture of capillaries in the cervix (this organ is in fact richer in blood during the months of waiting) which can happen after a relationship sexual. If the bleeding becomes abundant it is better to consult, instead, with a certain timeliness your own gynecologist.

White Vaginal Losses

Since the beginning of pregnancy, some women notice the presence of white leaks with a milky appearance . This symptom can be the consequence of thickening of the vaginal wall, a completely harmless phenomenon that starts almost immediately after conception.

However, if associated with bad odors, burning or itching sensations, it is advisable to talk to your doctor to exclude the possibility of bacterial infection or candida fungal infection at the base of the losses.

Sinus soreness

Symptoms of the first few weeks of pregnancy include breast and nipple changes .

  • Otherwise

From the first period of gestation, the breasts increase in volume and are turgid due to the effect of estrogen and progesterone.

Even a few days after conception, the breast can hurt or become particularly sensitive . The feeling of tension that can be experienced in the first weeks of pregnancy is similar to that which many women perceive before menstruation. The breast can also become covered with more evident veins.

These symptoms tend to reduce over a few weeks: it is sufficient to give the body time to adapt to the new hormonal levels.

  • Areola and Nipples

Other symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy concern the nipples, which may protrude more than usual and are more sensitive . The areola can become, instead, darker, tending to purple, and widens.

Nausea in the morning

During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, about 80% of pregnant women suffer from the so-called " NAUSEE MATTUTINE ". This unpleasant sensation is accompanied, in about half of the cases, by vomiting and by a strong aversion to certain smells, such as, for example, that of coffee.

Some pregnant women experience this disorder, but manage to experience it as a minor nuisance, which does not compromise daily life.

Although we talk about "morning" nausea, it should be noted that this symptom associated with pregnancy is not limited only to the early hours of the day: it is more frequent in the morning, but in reality it can be seen at any time of day or night .

Causes and Symptoms of Nausea and Vomiting in the Initial Phases of Pregnancy »

Like the other symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy, then, some women begin to feel sick after just one month from conception, while others do not suffer at all for the entire duration of gestation.

In most cases, nausea in the morning disappears between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy or within the third month; on some occasions, however, the disturbance continues beyond the 20th week.

In general, it is good to consult a doctor if the illness is continuous and prevents any food or drink from being held in the stomach.

Usually, morning sickness does not endanger the health of the child, but when they are very serious they can indicate the presence of a GRAVIDIC HYPEREMESIS . This latter situation requires specialist treatment and sometimes even requires hospitalization.

Tiredness and strong desire to sleep

One of the most common symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy is fatigue .

Exhaustion and drowsiness derive from the new hormonal and metabolic order that is being established to welcome a new life: already a week after conception and, more generally, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the increase in progesterone causes sense of tiredness accompanied by an uncontrollable desire to sleep and rest .

Dilation of blood vessels, by lowering blood pressure and lowering blood sugar can even lead to dizziness and fainting .

Except for the presence of other health problems, the fatigue induced by pregnancy is not serious and can be tackled simply by resting a lot and enriching one's diet with foods rich in protein and iron.

Abdominal cramps

In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to feel painful sensations and cramps in the lower abdomen . This manifestation results from the expansion of the uterus, which widens to make room for the development of the embryo.

If the pains are particularly strong and persist for several days, however, it is advisable to consult the gynecologist, since they could indicate the presence of some minor or more serious pathologies, such as:

  • Urinary tract infections ;
  • Nephrolithiasis ;
  • Spontaneous abortion ;
  • Rupture of the tuba during ectopic pregnancy .
To learn more: Stomach Pain in Pregnancy »

Frequent urination

Another of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy is the most frequent urination to urinate than usual. This phenomenon depends on the increase of blood circulating during gestation, a consequence of the formation of the placenta, and of the action of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the bladder muscles, making it more difficult to retain pee.

Pollakiuria is not usually present with the exact onset of pregnancy, but a few weeks later. The increased need to go to the toilet to empty the bladder usually begins between the sixth and eighth week after conception.

If you suspect it does not depend on a simple consequence of pregnancy, but is related to a urinary tract infection or health problems (for example, diabetes), it is good to talk to your doctor.

Jumps of Mood

Already from the first days of gestation, hormones affect many sensations and can cause irritability and mood swings, so it is likely that the woman feels more emotional and fragile, prone to crying and anxiety, but also more euphoric .

Other Symptoms of the First Weeks of Pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the following can also occur:

  • Headache ;
  • Feeling vague discomfort ;
  • Increased sensitivity to certain odors and changes in taste (eg strange metallic taste in the mouth, aversion to coffee, loss of interest in tobacco, etc.);
  • Salivation more abundant than the norm;
  • Changes in appetite (for example, unusual avidity for certain foods, previously indifferent);
  • Stomach pain or sensation of swelling similar to that experienced in the first days of menstrual flow;
  • Back pain ;
  • Constipation .
To learn more: Sciatica in Pregnancy »

Are these symptoms always indicative of pregnancy?

Some of the manifestations listed as symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy may be due to other causes.

However, if the various disorders are associated with specific organic signs (eg breast tenderness, increased uterine volume, etc.), the diagnosis of pregnancy is practically predictable.


In case of delay in menstruation, it is always important to consider the possibility of a pregnancy: if the cycle is a few days late, it is always good to do the pregnancy test (easily available in the pharmacy).

Symptoms of the First Weeks: when to take the pregnancy test?

The test should be performed at the non-appearance of menstruation and can be repeated after 7 days, trying to follow the instructions correctly.

Other investigations that can be carried out in case of suspected symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy include:

  • Hormonal dosages;
  • Blood analysis;
  • Pelvic ultrasound.
To learn more: Morphological Ultrasound in Pregnancy »

Some advice

Many of the symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy can be easily alleviated or resolved with some precautions, such as:

  • Try to eliminate or reduce stress with some relaxing and enjoyable activity, like reading a book or taking a walk;
  • Between meals, crunch dry foods like crackers or breadsticks: nausea occurs more easily on an empty stomach;
  • Avoid taking stimulants that can aggravate symptoms (tea, coffee, energy drinks, etc.);
  • Refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption (both strongly contraindicated in pregnancy);
  • Take natural remedies, such as infusions or relaxing herbal teas;
  • Pay attention to intimate hygiene, using specific products so as not to alter the balance of the vaginal bacterial flora;
  • Avoid using clothing that is too tight and tight, which, by encouraging rubbing, can irritate the genital area;
  • Ensure abundant hydration;
  • Eat foods rich in fiber and practice moderate physical activity, such as gymnastics or long walks: movement helps bowel activity;
  • Support the needs of the body that is changing and rest every time you feel the need, without waiting to reach the limits of your strength.