
Probiotics: which to choose and how to use them

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Probiotics: what are they?

Probiotics are supplements based on "physiological bacteria", therefore they ONLY contain microorganisms naturally present in the large intestine, able to reach and colonize it; furthermore, to define themselves as such, probiotics contribute to:

  • Defend the mucosa from pathogenic bacteria (biological antagonism)
  • Produce vitamins and other useful molecules
  • Optimizing colon function (reduction of fecal pH)

Not all bacteria can be called "physiological", just as not all foods that contain microorganisms can be called probiotics; the characteristics of a probiotic food or supplement are: compatibility with the intestine, resistance to gastric pH, harmlessness and healthiness.

NB . Traditional yogurt, suffering the aggression of gastric juices (digestion of proteins) also loses most of the bacterial colonies contained in it, therefore it cannot be considered a probiotic food.

Types of probiotics

Probiotics contain three groups of carefully selected bacteria:

  • Bifidobacteria
  • Lactobacilli
  • eubacteria

Among the bifidobacteria, the most commonly used strains in the production of probiotics are: animalis, breve, infantis, longum, adolascentis, lactis and bifidum ; moreover, for what concerns the lactobacilli, we remember: acidophilus , casei, johnsonii, reuteri, rhamnosus, salivarius, plantarum, crispatus .

Which probiotics to choose?

To date, the market for food supplements is particularly rich and varied. The advantage of a similar condition is a WIDE PURCHASE POSSIBILITY; on the other hand, the choice of a probiotic with respect to another becomes more and more complex and DISPERSAL.

The consumer does not always have the technical knowledge to distinguish a better quality product from a poorer one, in this regard, the desirable characteristics of a good quality probiotic will be illustrated below.

Subjective differences in bacterial flora: how to choose the right probiotic?

The colonization of the intestinal bacterial flora takes place with the first breastfeed of the newborn who, until that moment, has a totally sterile colon. Through feeding, the volatile bacteria and those present on the mother's breast reach, together with the milk, the intestinal lumen on which (some) take root.

The predominance of one strain over another occurs by the interaction of antibodies and prebiotics contained in breast milk with environmental microorganisms, therefore, it is possible to define that the intestinal bacterial flora is a SUBJECTIVE characteristic influenced both by genetics (antibodies and prebiotics secreted by the mammary glands), and from the surrounding environment.

Returning to the choice of the probiotic, having reached the awareness that each of us has a proper bacterial colony, with which criterion should we choose the right probiotic? The answer is simple: taking advantage of the bacterial strains already present in the intestine, which in themselves inhibit the growth of other antagonist groups; for this reason, it is good practice to use a probiotic POLYVALENT (eg Yovis, which contains 9 different bacterial strains). This ensures that the missing micro-organisms are integrated and that those that are not suitable will be "repressed" by their intestinal bacterial flora.

How to take probiotics?

As anticipated, probiotics are live and active microorganisms that MUST reach the large intestine undamaged. All bacteria (with the necessary differences), suffer negatively the acid action of gastric juices; to avoid that the integration of probiotics undergoes an excessive depletion, it is good practice to take them exclusively with EMPTY STOMACH! In this way it is certain that the pH of the stomach will affect as little as possible on the path of the bacteria between the mouth and the colon.

Probiotics online

Online advanced high-concentration probiotics are available with 50 billion UCF (Colony Forming Unit) per capsule and ten different bacterial strains: Lactobacillus Acidophilus 45m (Billion) UCF; Bifidobacterium Bifidum 1m UCF; Lactobacillus Rhamnou 1m UCF; Lactobacillus Plantarum 0.750m UCF; Bifidobacterium Short 0.500m UCF; Bifidobacterium Longum 0.500m UCF; Lactobacillus Casei 0.500m UCF; Lactobacillus Lactis 0.500m UCF; Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Lactobacillus Salvarius 0.125m UCF.

The product, free of artificial colorings, hidden additives, aromas, yeast, wheat, soy and gluten, can be used to strengthen and maintain the functionality of the immune system, support normal intestinal functions and improve general well-being.

Available online

Alternatively, probiotics can be purchased with 30 billion microorganisms per dose (consisting of 2 capsules) which combine 7 strains: 2 bifidobacteria, 3 lactobacilli, a streptococcus and a Lactococcus. These probiotics have been selected for their complementary profile and their ability to adapt to humans. The strains contained in the product are in a state of dormancy to freeze their development: this process ensures good stability even at high temperatures (up to 25 °).

Gastroresistant and vegetable, the capsules are delayed release and should be taken during meals.

Available online

How long to hire them

With all the variables we have indicated so far (genetic influences in the selection of bacteria, incisiveness of gastric pH, etc.), the consumer could have some doubts about the effectiveness of integration with probiotics and, to tell the truth, he is not entirely wrong ! In fact, taking these supplements for a relatively short period of time may not significantly affect the reconstitution of intestinal bacterial flora. On the other hand, this does not mean that treatment with probiotics is useless, but it is necessary to extend the supplementation for AT LEAST 3-4 weeks in quantities of about a billion micro-organisms a day (see the probiotic label). Assuming them for a shorter period of time, even assuming total compliance with the intake modalities, the proportion of microorganisms that would reach the colon might NOT be high enough to confer a real benefit to the organism.

Ultimately, to accomplish the proper integration with probiotics, you need to keep in mind of:

  • ALWAYS hire them and only on an empty stomach
  • Hire them for AT LEAST 3-4 weeks
  • Assume AT LEAST a billion a day.


  • Milk - fermented, functional and probiotic. Scientific editions - V. Bottazzi - 2004 - pag 53.

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