veterinary medicine

How to protect pets from fleas

Fleas can jump from one animal to another, however, dogs and cats infest more easily when they attend places where they are present on the ground waiting for a guest. Therefore, both the parasites present on the animal and those in the environment must be checked.

To effectively treat our four-legged friends, the products must have a rapid ability to kill fleas and a long-lasting effect (residual activity) in order to prevent re-infestations. To stop the life cycle, adult insects must be eliminated before they lay their eggs. Some insecticides are available in "spot-on" form: a very small volume of the liquid that contains the insecticide is deposited on the animal's skin, usually between the shoulder blades, then spreads to the rest of the body surface within 24 hours.

Other dogs or cats that share the same environment, especially the same resting places, are an important source of new infestation. Therefore, it is important to always treat all cohabiting animals regularly.