heart health

At what time of the day are you most at risk of a heart attack?

The heart attack - more properly called myocardial infarction - is the pathological process due to which the flow of blood destined for the myocardium (or the heart muscle) is inadequate to the requests.

Often caused by atherosclerosis, this serious condition causes necrosis (ie death) of myocardial tissue and a reduction in the contractile capacity of the heart.

According to some recent studies, heart attack episodes would be more frequent in the morning and in particular between 8 and 9 sundial ante.

What is the scientific explanation of this?

Researchers have observed that cortisol levels - a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands and essential for life - are higher in the morning than at other times of the day. High amounts of cortisol cause an increase in various vital parameters, including blood pressure.

The latter, as is known, when it is at high levels ( hypertension ) is one of the most important factors favoring the rupture of any atheromatous plaques present inside the coronary arteries.

According to the studies in question, the concentration of cortisol would reach its peak between 8 and 9 in the morning and this would explain why many episodes of myocardial infarction occur in this time slot.