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Treating high triglycerides with herbs

This article aims to help the reader in the rapid identification of natural remedies useful in the treatment of various symptoms, disorders and pathologies. For some of the listed remedies, this utility may not have been confirmed by sufficient experimental tests conducted with a scientific method. Furthermore, any natural remedy presents potential risks and contraindications.

If available, we therefore recommend that you click on the link corresponding to the individual remedy to learn more about the topic. In any case, we remind you of the importance of avoiding self-treatment and to consult your doctor beforehand to ascertain the absence of contraindications and drug interactions.

Triglycerides are the body's most abundant lipids, where they essentially perform energy functions. Most of the circulating triglycerides have food origins, but these nutrients can also be synthesized ex novo from the liver and adipose tissue (lipogenesis), starting from fatty acids and glycerol.

Hypertriglyceridemia is a medical term that reflects excess triglycerides in the blood. This condition is associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, with greater susceptibility to diseases such as thrombosis; furthermore, when accompanied with high LDL values, it is often associated with coronary artery disease, angina pectoris and infarction. Particularly high triglyceride values โ€‹โ€‹(> 1000 mg / dl) can also cause abdominal pain crises, acute pancreatitis and xanthoma (degeneration of the skin, which takes on a yellowish color due to the accumulation of lipids).

Hypertriglyceridemia is commonly associated with causative factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, estrogen-progestogen use (including the contraceptive pill), decompensated diabetes and hypothyroidism. Even the excess calories, especially if due to the massive ingestion of simple sugars, increase the blood values โ€‹โ€‹of triglycerides.

Medicinal Plants and Supplements useful against High Triglycerides

Fish oil, Omega three supplements, Cod liver oil, Hemp seed oil, Flaxseed oil, Garcinia cambogia. In the case of high cholesterol and dyslipidemia, they are also particularly useful: Fermented red rice, Aubergine, Achillea Wilhelmsii, Berberine, Betaine, Policosanols, Garlic, Fiber supplements (such as psyllium seeds, glucomannan, chitosan, guar gum and other gums), Fenugreek, Niacin Megadoses, Green tea, Garcinia cambogia, Commiphora mukul, soy protein, lecithin, plant sterols, drugs with choleretic-cholagogue properties.