
The white rice does not represent a specific recipe, but an adjective attributable to different rice-based preparations that share the absence of seasonings or ingredients of different colors compared to polished rice.

The white rice can be prepared in many ways: risotto, boiled rice, gohan rice, rice cooked in milk, pilaf and / or baked rice, etc.

Some believe that white rice is the most suitable recipe for feeding the sick and, more generally, for those suffering from disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract.

White rice is also a preparation widely used by sportsmen; in fact, it is a valid food:

  • pre workout (energizing), in small portions to be taken at least 30-60 'before training (depending on the specific case)
  • and post workout, to be consumed as soon as the session is over (within 15 'as an independent insulin glycogen refill and / or at the next meal as an insulin booster).

The use of oil / butter in the recipe for white rice improves its palatability but can become an unfavorable element; in this regard, to avoid eating rice without fat but completely glued, it is sufficient to respect some small tricks that we will list below.

Types of Rice in White

For the preparation of white rice you can choose the most appreciated among the many types of rice: vialone, carnaroli, arborio, venere, baldo, ribe, wild, red, thai, basmati, sticky etc.

Furthermore, depending on the case, different types of rice are available: wholemeal (with glumelle), white (whitened and not), parboiled (precooked industrially), sprouted etc.

The white rice can therefore be interpreted by applying various recipes. Let's look at them in more detail.

Boiled rice

It does not require the use of specific varieties; however, it is better to remember that brown rice has very high cooking times.

The boiled rice is prepared by dipping the rice in boiling water (possibly salted), for the time necessary for complete cooking (detail shown on the package).

At the end of cooking, it should be drained and eaten, or allowed to cool (very important phase). In fact, if left at room temperature, the boiled rice has two drawbacks: it scents and sticks. To remedy a similar undesired effect, it is possible to proceed in two different ways:

  1. Spread it on a baking tray, grease it with enough oil and let it rest or, even better, take it down with the appropriate tool
  2. Immerse it in cold water, possibly also with ice, drain it and dry it by spreading it on a towel.

Obviously, using white rice (which consists only of the starchy endosperm), this will always tend to stick slightly. Definitely better results are obtained with the parboiled, the most suitable type of rice for boiling.

Gohan rice

Much used for sushi, it is a typical Japanese cooking method.

The ingredients for gohan rice are: water, rice vinegar, sugar, salt and seaweed.

  • The first step of the procedure is to remove the starch from the rice, rinsing it in a bowl until the water becomes clear; then it must be dried.
  • Meanwhile, boil water with the seaweed and dip the rice, cooking on a moderate flame for about 10 '(with lid). Then lower the heat and continue for another 12 minutes.
  • Turn off and leave the rice in the pot for another 10 'without removing the lid. Meanwhile, dissolve the sugar and salt in the vinegar in a saucepan over low heat.
  • After 10 minutes open the rice pan and remove the seaweed.
  • Put the rice in a wooden container and add the seasoning, covering everything.

This Asian version of white rice is used to prepare sushi and, as a substitute for Western bread, accompanies various preparations.

What is Sushi and How to Make Rice

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Pilaf and / or Cotto in Forno rice

This curious cooking technique, little used in Italy, can be very useful to save space between the hobs or to take full advantage of the use of the oven already engaged for other recipes (as, as we know, it is an appliance with low consumption to say the least) significant).

Oven-baked rice is inspired by the so-called "rice pilaf"; the latter (probably of Indian or Turkish origin) is the result of a mixed cooking.

  • In a saucepan, toast the rice with butter, onion, cinnamon and cloves. Then, inside the same, add some broth or boiling water (proportion of broth / rice 2.6: 1). Cover and proceed with baking in the oven (180-200 ° C) for 20 'without stirring.

Baked rice, on the other hand, is even simpler and quicker. For an optimal result, it is advisable to use parboiled rice; in this way it is possible to avoid toasting.

  • It is therefore sufficient to place the rice and the broth in a saucepan or in a high-sided baking dish, cover by sealing as well as possible and bake at the temperature and time indicated above.

Pilaf and / or oven-baked rice, such as gohan, is a white rice that is a perfect accompaniment to many preparations (stewed meat, fish, fried, etc.). The peculiarity of pilaf rice is that, although it should never be mixed, at the end of cooking it should still be perfectly shelled.

Risotto in White

The risotto in white is a well-known Italian recipe, although, to tell the truth, it is often confused with the risotto alla parmigiana (more structured and caloric); the most suitable types of rice are carnaroli, vialone nano, arborio, baldo and ribe (not parboiled).

Without going too far, let's briefly summarize how to prepare it:

  • the ingredients are: rice, oil or butter, water or vegetable broth and possibly salt.

The process is very simple:

  • heat the oil or butter and lightly toast the rice over medium heat;
  • then, one ladle at a time, add the broth or boiling water (always waiting for it to dry before adding more).
  • Complete the cooking by drying to the desired consistency and regular salt.

The risotto in white is a first course and must carefully respect the cooking times; does not lend itself to transportation and must be consumed while still smoking.

The most common mistake is to confuse white risotto with parmesan risotto. As anticipated, the latter is more structured and tasty. Compared to the aforementioned procedure, it provides:

  • after roasting, a nuanced with dry white wine;
  • the possible use of meat broth (better than chicken);
  • the matecatura with butter and abundant Parmesan (some also use a little fresh cream).

The difference between the two recipes is quite clear and implies above all the variance of the nutritional content.

Rice cooked in milk

It is not the "RisoLatte" but, sometimes, it is the main ingredient of much more complex recipes (such as fried sweet rice balls).

Nutritional composition for 100g of "Riso Bollito"

Nutritional values ​​(per 100 g of edible portion)

Chemical compositionValue for 100g
Edible part100%
water64, 7g
Protein2, 7g
Total lipids2, 1g
Saturated fatty acids0, 37g
Monounsaturated fatty acids1, 48g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0, 23g
Cholesterol0, 0mg
Carbohydrates available30, 2g
Soluble sugars0.1g
Total fiber0.5g
Soluble fiber- g
Insoluble fiber- g
Phytic acid- g
Power143, 0kcal
Potassium43, 4mg
Football19, 0mg
Phosphorus43, 4mg
Magnesium- mg
Copper- mg
Selenium- µg
Thiamine0, 03mg
Riboflavin0, 02mg
Niacin0, 60mg
Vitamin A retinol eq.0, 06μg
C vitamin0, 0mg
Vitamin E0, 45mg

Rice cooked in milk is prepared by simmering (therefore not very vigorously) rice (any variety) in a non-stick casserole with whole cow's milk.

The cooking should be finished to the desired consistency, adjusting with salt.

The characteristic of this food, which could be considered a single dish, is the contrast of the sweet (lactose) with the salty.

Even this, like risotto, does not lend itself to transport and represents a first course to be consumed hot and just ready.

Nutritional Features

Being the most indicative type of white rice, below we will analyze the nutritional characteristics of the one boiled without salt and seasoned with a little extra virgin olive oil; the ingredients of the recipe are:

  • white rice 38g
  • water 60g
  • extra virgin olive oil 2g.

White rice is a product that is part of the III fundamental group of foods and represents above all a source of starch and dietary fiber.

It is a vegetable food, with a significant energy importance on carbohydrates; the other calories come from peptides and lipids.

The glucides in white rice are complex, or starch; the proteins are of medium biological value (detail not present in the table) and the predominantly unsaturated fatty acids.

Cholesterol is absent and fibers are very relevant.

The vitamin and saline profile of white rice does not show any noteworthy levels.

White rice is a food that can be contextualised in most diets, provided that the portions respect any pathological conditions such as obesity, hyperglycemia or type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertriglyceridemia.

The white rice does not contain gluten or milk-derived ingredients, which is why it is granted in the diet of celiac and lactose intolerant. It has no contraindications for vegetarians, vegans, Jews and Muslims.

The average portion of white rice is about 160-240g (230-345kcal).