sport and health

Acromial conflict syndrome

By: Sarcina Savino

See also: Conflict test

The shoulder is not a single joint but five joints that together form the joint complex of the shoulder. These five joints are divided into two groups:

1st group: Scapulum-humeral articulation and sub-deltoid joint.

2nd group: scapulo-thoracic joint, acromio-clavicular joint and sternum joint - cost - clavicular.

Shoulder stability is given by static stabilizers (tendons, ligaments) and dynamic stabilizers (muscles).

In the moment in which an imbalance of forces is created in these stabilizers inflammatory phenomena will be created (in those who practice sports from overload this is often borne by the muscles and always happens due to an erroneous approach or to the neglect of some

essential exercises for shoulder health, but not less frequent also in sedentary people); the most common case is the phenomenon of inpigment ( acromial conflict syndrome ) in which the head of the humerus goes to compress the supraspinatus tendon with the acromion, generating pain in all the adduction movements (especially with intrarotation, classic exercise are the side lifts with the thumb lower than the little finger, as if you wanted to pour a jug of water).

In these cases, doctors advise physiatric treatment aimed at reducing inflammation, then specific exercises for the rotator cuff, because it is precisely due to a lack of tone in the aforementioned that this phenomenon is established; it is therefore essential to face a specific job, not only to "cure" but also to prevent this annoying phenomenon, in order to be able to face one's training without too many worries.

extra rotations with adduced humerus. For an optimal and physiological execution a thickness (towel) under the elbow would be useful.

The exercises par excellence are the extras and intra rotations of the humerus, performed with the elastic, with weights, and the polyercoline cord, without NEVER using exaggerated overloads; if the exercise is carried out correctly you can realize that 2Kg - 3Kg are more than enough.

extra rotations with abducted humerus.

Courtesy of the Body Planet gym in Vanzaghello (MI).

These are just some of the exercises that can be carried out to strengthen the rotator cuff, there are also exercises to be performed in free body that emphasize the stabilizing function of these muscles, and also of others that contribute to provide a good stabilization. of the humerus, both from a static and a dynamic point of view.

For more information write to Savino Sarcina savino.sarcina (@) free (.) It