human health

Asthenic ejaculation - Causes and Symptoms


The asthenic ejaculation is a dysfunction characterized by the slow emission of the seminal fluid (the ejaculatory thrust is missing, therefore the sperm comes out in drops for several minutes after the resolution of the sexual act).

The sensation is similar to that of urination and is sometimes associated with an anorgasmia (hence the pleasure component is missing). This is a rare disorder, which can have negative psychological repercussions on humans.

The asthenic ejaculation can appear transiently, in the context of sexually transmitted diseases and prostate and urethral inflammatory processes. The persistent forms can result, instead, from spinal lesions for a neurogenic and myogenic damage of the pelvic floor.

The reduced propulsion of ejaculation can also occur with advancing age, due to the reduction of muscle tone in the urethral wall.

Possible Causes * of asthenic Ejaculation

  • Prostate cancer
  • Chlamydia
  • epididymitis
  • Beningna prostatic hypertrophy
  • Prostatitis
  • uretrite