
AZOLMEN ® Bifonazole

AZOLMEN ® is a drug based on Bifonazole

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Antimycotics for topical use

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications AZOLMEN ® Bifonazole

AZOLMEN ® is indicated in the treatment of mycoses and dermatomycoses supported by dermatophytes, saccharomyces and pathogenic fungi.

Bifonazole has also been successfully tested in the treatment of Pityriasis versicolor.

Mechanism of action AZOLMEN ® Bifonazole

Bifonazole, the active ingredient of AZOLMEN ®, ​​is an imidazole derivative effective against the main forms of cutaneous mycoses and skin appendages sustained by pathogenic fungi.

Used topically, Bifonazole concentrates at the level of the skin lesion where it performs its therapeutic activity by inhibiting the fungal enzyme 14 alpha methyl Lanosterol demethylase, involved in the biosynthesis of an important element of the cytoplasmic fungal membrane such as Ergosterol.

The absence of this factor on the one hand and the accumulation of potentially toxic catabolites on the other hand determine:

  • the loss of extracellular cell-to-environment communication processes;
  • the loss of the activity of numerous cellular enzymes.

The aforementioned characteristics are concretized with the death of the microorganism, with the consequent control of the infection and with the prompt regression of the complained symptomatology.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


Mycoses. 2013 Jul; 56 (4): 414-21. doi: 10.1111 / myc.12037. Epub 2013 Apr 16.

Work conducted on almost 700 patients demonstrating how treatment with Bifonazole guarantees a clear improvement in symptoms and clinical situation in patients with onychomycosis.


Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Sep; 55 (9): 4436-9. doi: 10.1128 / AAC.00144-11. Epub 2011 Jul 11.

Interesting work in cellular and molecular biology that evaluates some therapeutic properties of Bifonazole, and in particular those related to the ability to inhibit the proliferation and adhesion of Candida albicans to vaginal epithelial cells.


Jpn J Antibiot. 2009 Apr; 62 (2): 79-89.

Review that evaluates the numerous studies present on bifonazole and other antifungals concluding that although this active ingredient has been marketed over 20 years ago it remains one of the most effective treatments against Tinea Pedis

Method of use and dosage


Cream, gel, cutaneous solution and 1% Bifonazole skin foam.

Generally we recommend, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, the application of the correct amount of medicine directly on the skin region to be treated, taking care to gently massage the area until the product is completely absorbed.

AZOLMEN ® in gel or cream is mainly used in the treatment of glabrous skin regions while the skin solution is mostly indicated for the treatment of dermatomycoses of skin folds, with the exception of mucous membranes.

Skin powder and skin foam are instead recommended in the treatment of regions with a high degree of humidity and in the total body application in the case of Pityriasis versicolor.

Warnings AZOLMEN ® Bifonazole

The use of AZOLMEN ® should be preceded by an appropriate medical consultation useful to clarify the origin of the complained skin lesion and the possible prescribed appropriateness.

Patients receiving AZOLMEN ® should pay attention to the compliance with some useful rules to optimize the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine and at the same time check the potential side effects.

Clean hands after applying the product, avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, carefully follow the instructions of your doctor, they are only the main precautions to be followed during therapy.

Prolonged use of AZOLMEN ® could cause the onset of adverse hypersensitivity reactions and facilitate the appearance of Bifonazole-resistant microorganisms.


The use of AZOLMEN ® during pregnancy and in the subsequent period of breastfeeding is generally contraindicated.

In cases of real need the topical application of Bifonazole in the above cases should be evaluated by your gynecologist and closely supervised by your doctor.


The lack of clinically significant systemic absorption following the topical use of Bifonazole significantly limits the risk of pharmacologically relevant interactions.

Contraindications AZOLMEN ® Bifonazole

The use of AZOLMEN ® is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active substance or to one of its excipients.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

AZOLMEN ® is generally well tolerated and has no clinically relevant side effects.

However, prolonged use could lead to the appearance of local adverse reactions such as burning, itching, rashes and sometimes pain.

Adverse reactions worthy of clinical note are decidedly more rare.


NEOTIGASON ® is a prescription-only drug.