baby health

ADHD: symptoms of the inattentive variant in short

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) is a neuropsychic disorder typical of children, which causes obvious and frequent episodes of inattention (or decline in concentration), hyperactivity and / or impulsivity .

After years of studies, mental health experts have noticed that there are at least three variants of ADHD : inattentive, overactive-impulsive and combined .

In the inattentive variant, attention and concentration skills are almost exclusively affected; in the hyperactive-impulsive variant, aspects of hyperactivity and impulsiveness dominate; finally, in the combined variant, problems can be found attributable to both the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive variant.

In general, patients with the inactive ADHD variant stand out because:

  • They can't be careful and easily distracted.
  • They fail to pay attention to details and commit frequent distraction errors (especially at school).
  • In some situations they don't seem to listen to who is talking to them.
  • They easily forget things and what they did.
  • They do not follow the instructions given to them and they almost never manage to complete on-time (or in time) class assignments, daily chores and work duties (NB: adults can also suffer from ADHD).
  • They lose what they would need in a school / work environment (pens, books, notebooks, tools, etc.) and in their extracurricular activities (toys, etc.).
  • They have organizational difficulties.
  • They struggle to start any activity that requires attention, concentration and a certain dedication. They might seem lazy, even if that's not the problem.
  • They pass suddenly and continuously from one activity to another and another again, without any reason.

Moreover, very often they also denote the following weaknesses:

  • Difficulties in or fear of facing changes;
  • Punctuality problems;
  • Fear of expressing one's feelings;
  • Inability to relax;
  • Depression.