woman's health

Natural contraception


Within the sexual and contraceptive scenario, not only the pill, the transdermal patch, the vaginal ring, the condom and the IUD spiral stand out: the woman, listening to her own body and interpreting the signals that the body sends them, could prevent unwanted pregnancies using natural contraception methods.

Ogino-Knaus method, interrupted coitus, basal temperature method, thermo-thermal system and Billings method: these are the protagonists of natural contraception.

Ogino-knaus method

Among the earliest natural contraceptive methods used throughout history, we recall Ogino-Knaus (or calendar method): a natural contraceptive practice very disputed by gynecologists, as it provides a particularly low contraceptive guarantee.

However, the method could ideally be followed by women with an absolutely regular 27/32 day menstrual cycle: contraceptive practice is based on the hypothesis that the woman is potentially fertile between days 10 and 18, starting counting from the first day of menstruation. The Ogino-Knaus method is considered unreliable by gynecologists, considering that, although used unequivocally, it generates unwanted pregnancies in 9 cases out of 100.

Rather than talking about the natural contraceptive method, the Ogino-Knaus should be considered from the opposite point of view: in other words this method is a good practice to understand what are the potentially fruitful days of the woman. When a couple wishes to have a child, the practice of Ogino-knaus appears very useful.

Intercourse interrupted

Among the natural contraceptive methods allowed by the Church, intercourse also stands out, which consists in the immediate and timely interruption of sexual intercourse a few moments before ejaculation: in this contraceptive practice (only apparently safe), the man avoids that sperm enter the vagina. Man, evidently, must have an excellent command of his body, to stop "at the right moment": at first glance, the method appears infallible, in reality, however, it is not so. Just think of the statistics: it is estimated that intercourse generates unwanted pregnancy in 10-18% of cases.

It is not enough that man takes into account his self-control and his experience in the sexual field: it is possible, in fact, a small unconscious loss of seminal fluid before ejaculation proper, sufficient in spite of itself to fertilize the egg.

It is also estimated that men practicing this natural method are more at risk of prostatitis and varicocele.

Basal temperature method

As we know, the basal temperature of the woman is not constant: it tends to be lower at the beginning of the cycle, to then increase by 0.5 / 0.6 degrees centigrade during ovulation; subsequently, the basal temperature tends to decrease again, to prepare for the next menstruation. The most fruitful period for the woman begins 3 days before the increase in the basal temperature and ends 3 days later: in case the woman wanted to avoid pregnancy, she should refrain from relationships just in this period.

Women who take advantage of natural contraception appear to be very attentive to the signals that the body sends them, and among these is the assessment of the basal temperature, whose fluctuations are stimulated by progesterone.

The main problem is that body temperature is influenced by many factors, such as stress, nutritional status, environmental factors etc., which could mislead the woman and generate temperature fluctuations very similar to those of the ovulatory period. Basal temperature control is not a reliable natural contraceptive method: in this regard, it is often associated with the evaluation of cervical mucus (Billings method).

Assessment of basal temperature and cervical mucus is known as the thermo-thermal method.

Billings method

As mentioned above, the Billings method is another natural contraceptive practice that requires the study of one's body: more specifically, it is based on the recognition of ovulation by carefully observing and studying the characteristics of cervical mucus. If the mucus is particularly filamentous and abundant, in all likelihood the woman is in the ovulatory phase, at which time her body is more prone to conception (in general, in women who do not have menstrual irregularities, ovulation coincides with half of the cycle). Therefore, when the woman recognizes that particular signal sent by the body, the couple should refrain from the relationship to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Risks of natural contraception

Inevitably, the risk of failure of natural contraceptive methods far exceeds that of hormonal methods (vaginal ring, transdermal patch, pill, hormonal spiral) and barrier (condom): the result can be an unwanted child or a deliberately interrupted pregnancy. not to mention the considerable psychological repercussions.

Furthermore, refraining from relationships precisely at the time of maximum sexual desire for the woman, which coincides with ovulation, is anything but natural.

The doubts that arise in the female mentality following a "naturally protected" relationship could generate anxieties, fears and stress, reflecting not only within the sexual sphere, but also in the simple interpersonal relationship. A chain of psychological side effects, which could push the woman, sometimes, to avoid and reject any attempt to approach the partner physically.

For whom is natural contraception indicated?

The couple who use natural contraceptive methods must be responsible and should enjoy the sexual life, eroticism and intimacy in a peaceful and tranquil way; in general, married or cohabiting couples, sexually mature men and women, may prefer these methods, accepting in an absolutely positive way the risks they could incur using only these natural practices. A child should always be welcomed with love, so if the couple were not yet "ready", it would be immature, unreasonable and senseless to take unnecessary risks.


Until a few years ago, the Church considered the sexual act legitimate only when aimed at procreation: not that the thought of the Church has changed radically, but nowadays Religion admits some form of natural contraception.

It is good to point out that the right method and the wrong method do not exist (with the exception of the religious thought of the Church, obviously): every couple has the right to live sexuality according to its needs, without ever neglecting the risks that could derive from a Sexual act potentially at risk.

Men and women are equally responsible for their actions: in this regard, the head must always be used, since the possible consequences could upset life.

Natural contraception is a (relatively) valid alternative method, when used correctly: for young women, who have just opened their doors to sexuality, natural contraceptive methods are not recommended, not because they are insecure in themselves, but because very young they do not know their body perfectly, an absolutely indispensable element for consuming the sexual act in a safe and at the same time natural way.

Some couples consider natural the renouncement of complete sexual relationships, when the end is different from conception, in respect of the Church, of the Ethics or of the Good Conduct: the abstention from the relationships in the name of Morale is certainly not natural, indeed, vice versa is against nature.


To fix the concepts ...

Natural contraception

It represents the set of natural contraceptive methods, which DO NOT include:

  • the use of slow hormonal release devices (transdermal patch, vaginal ring, hormonal spiral)
  • oral administration of hormones (pill)
  • condom use (barrier method)
  • inserting contraceptive devices (copper spiral)
Ogino-knaus method

The contraceptive practice is based on the hypothesis that the woman is potentially fertile between the 10th and 18th day, starting the counting from the first day of menstruation.

Only women with a regular cycle of 27-32 days could ideally use this method

Ogino-Knaus failure index

Estimated around 9%

Intercourse interrupted

Immediate and prompt interruption of sexual intercourse a few moments before ejaculation, in order to avoid sperm-vaginal contact

Index of failed coitus interrupted

Estimated around 10-18%

Basal temperature method

Natural contraceptive method which consists in noting the thermal variations of the woman's body to understand which are the most fruitful days: the woman should abstain from the relationship three days before and three days after the maximum peak of body temperature.

Billings method

Natural contraceptive method based on the observation of cervical mucus: when this appears to be particularly filamentous and dense, most probably the woman is in the ovulatory phase.

Symptothermal method

Evaluation of basal temperature and cervical mucus

Side effects of natural contraception
  • the risk of failure of natural contraceptive methods is very high
  • unwanted child
  • pregnancy deliberately interrupted
  • significant psychological repercussions
  • anxieties, fears, stress
  • psychological side effects that could push the woman to avoid and reject any attempt to approach the partner physically
Who could use natural contraception?

Married or cohabiting couples, sexually mature men and women who use natural contraceptive methods must accept in an absolutely positive way the risks they could incur, and welcome with love the birth of a possible child.