tooth health

Smoke and Teeth: Because smoking is bad for your teeth

Tobacco smoke is one of the most bitter enemies of tooth health, as well as that of the entire body. Suffice it to say that 20 cigarettes a day reduce the average life of a young man who starts smoking at 25 years by about 4.6 years.

As far as the health of teeth is concerned, the statistics are certainly not better: in smokers the risk of severe periodontitis is three times greater than in non-smokers, while the probability of a positive response to periodontal therapy drops by 50%. Let us remember in this regard that periodontitis is an inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth (generally called periodontium), which are progressively weakened until the tooth falls out.

The reasons why tobacco smoke hurts so much to teeth are different, but largely due to the vasoconstrictor effect of nicotine, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen available to the periodontium. Less oxygen means reduced regenerative capacity (with less fibronectin and collagen synthesis) and immune capacity; not surprisingly, smokers notice qualitative differences in bacterial plaque with greater presence of aggressive anaerobic species against the periodontium. The exposure of the oral mucosa to the numerous irritants, toxins and to the carcinogenic products developed by the combustion of tobacco leaves must also be considered; just think of patients with oral cancer at least 80% smoke.

Smokers are observed to have greater amounts of tartar than non-smokers, a greater tendency to gum recession, greater dental discolouration (tooth stains) and an increase in tooth decay or clogged surfaces (although it is not yet clear whether caries is a consequence direct smoking or reduced predisposition of smokers to domestic and professional oral hygiene).

Smoke Damage - Is There an Effective Diet?

Don't Smoke Your Wellness! Discover the Nutritional Support for Smokers that helps and supports the Natural Defenses of Your Body against Smoke Damage Read More

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