
Bulbous nose


The potato nose is a type of nose that, in spite of a normal nasal back, has a rounded and broad nasal tip, with bulky and marked nasal wings.

Potato nose people who suffer from this feature may seek a cosmetic surgeon and request a correction of the nose shape by means of a rhinoplasty operation.

Thanks to modern surgical techniques, rhinoplasty for the potato nose guarantees good results.

Brief anatomical reference of the nose

The nose is the prominence located at the center of the face, between the two eyes and the two cheeks, which provides the sense of smell and represents the main entry of the respiratory tract.

In describing the external appearance of the human nose, the anatomists recognize in the latter at least 5 characteristic areas, which are:

  • The nasal root : identifiable where the frontal suture resides, it represents the upper portion of the nose. It is in continuity with the forehead.
  • The nasal bridge : it is the saddle-shaped portion of a horse situated just below the root and between the two eyes.
  • The nasal back (or nasal crest ): is the tract that, starting from the nasal bridge, characterizes the prominence of the human nose.

    It is the portion of the nose that stands out in the eyes in the profile view.

  • The nasal tip (or nasal apex ): located at the end of the nasal spine, is the lower portion of the external nose.

    Below, it has two distinct openings, better known as nasal nostrils, which represent the beginning of the two nasal cavities (and of the internal nose).

  • The nasal wings : they are the portions of the external nose lateral to the nasal back and to the nasal tip. Surround the nostrils.

What is a potato nose?

The potato nose is a type of nose that, in spite of a normal nasal back, has a broad and roundish nasal tip, and marked and voluminous nasal wings. It follows that the nasal nostrils, seen from the outside, appear very large.


There are variations on the typical potato nose described in the previous definition.

These variants consist of:

  • Classic potato nose, with a hump on the nasal back;
  • Nose with the classic potato-shaped nasal tip, but without large and voluminous nasal wings.


The term "potato nose" is ambiguous, since with the same wording it is possible to indicate, in an inappropriate way, a pathological condition of the nose, whose precise medical name is rhinophyma .

The rhinophyma is a nasal skin disease, secondary to severe or inadequately treated rosacea, which clearly disfigures the appearance of the nose. Because of the rhinophyma, in fact, the nose:

  • It becomes bulbous and, in general, assumes an irregular shape;
  • His skin suffers an evident thickening;
  • Its surface becomes rough;
  • It assumes a red-violet color, due to telangiectasia and / or venulectasis;
  • The pores of his skin become prominent and from them an unusual and large oily secretion emerges;
  • The sebaceous glands that cover its cartilaginous portions dilate (hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands).

The rhinophyma is a condition for which doctors ignore the causes.

However, there are several treatments, mainly surgical, able to give the nose a normal or almost normal appearance.

Deepening: what is rosacea?

Rosacea (or acne rosacea ) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, which affects the face, especially its central part.

Despite numerous studies on the subject, the causes of rosacea remain a mystery.

Its typical symptoms and signs consist of: redness of the face, appearance of lesions or papules, telangiectasia, irritation and burning sensation in the eyes and thickening of the skin.

Unfortunately, at the present time, there are no specific treatments for the definitive treatment of rosacea, but only non-specific treatments for the alleviation of symptoms (symptomatic therapy).


The only remedy to correct the potato nose is rhinoplasty surgery.

Rhinoplasty is the operation of cosmetic surgery performed to meet the needs of those who are not happy with the shape and appearance of their nose. In other words, it is the aesthetic remodeling of the nose.

Generally, the rhinoplasty for the potato nose affects the nasal tip and the cartilage that constitutes the nasal wings (alar cartilage).

Thanks to the modern techniques of aesthetic surgery and the ability of those who currently practice it, the operations of rhinoplasty for the potato nose guarantee, to the subjects who undergo it, very satisfactory results.