
The catechins

Catechins (catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate) are a group of antioxidant substances belonging to the flavonoid category. Contained mainly in the tea and especially in the green one - where they represent about 20-30% of dry weight - they help support heart functions and contribute to maintaining a good state of health. Additional sources of catechins are representative of cocoa, chocolate and wine; they are also well represented in the vegetable kingdom (fruit and vegetables).

The current interest in the benefits of regular consumption of green tea and its extracts is largely related to the presence of these substances.

More catechins have a lower incidence of cardiovascular and cancer diseases. This equation, which emerged from various studies conducted to investigate the role of flavonoids in human nutrition, is attributable to their already mentioned antioxidant action. Once introduced into the body the catechins act by blocking those molecular fragments known as free radicals that can damage proteins and DNA (favoring the onset of tumors) but also the formation, inflammation and rupture of cholesterol plaques that undermine the health of the arteries and of the whole organism (the so-called atheromas).

In addition to having a direct antioxidant action, catechins enhance other antioxidant systems, such as those in which vitamin E is involved. Research shows that catechins have additional health benefits, thanks to their hepatoprotective, immunostimulating and positive effects on blood circulation and blood pressure.

Obviously, catechins, in themselves, are not enough to explain the positive effects associated with the regular consumption of fruit, vegetables and green tea. These foods carry out their positive action on health also for other reasons; in fact, in addition to increasing the sense of satiety and reducing the introduction of harmful foods (sweets, fast foods, fatty meats, fries, sausages, etc.) they contain many other protective substances that contribute synergistically to make them important to prevent many diseases and to stay longer Young people. This is why attempts to administer these substances individually through specific supplements have often resulted in disappointing results.