lose weight

Lose weight or lose weight?

By Dr. Raffaele Granata

I want to clarify a fundamental distinction for everyone: SLIMMING vs LOSING WEIGHT.

What does the word in terms of wellness or fitness mean? why do I insist and beat so much on the first at the expense of the second? Where is the difficulty in obtaining this result?

Let's start by degrees:

SLIMMING: a condition in which a person is found to have a weight decrease resulting from a lower percentile of fat mass (harmful to health and for aesthetic purposes) with a small increase in lean mass (beware of women, do not imagine a large volume increase, moreover thanks at these extra millimeters there will be one / two centimeters or more, less than the starting circumference depending on the starting physicist).

LOSE WEIGHT: decrease in body weight without taking into account what is really going to catabolize, usually the only thing you go to lose are liquids and lean mass, so much so that the body will always be "flaccid and soak" despite the body circumferences have thinned.

From this first specification it should already be noticed that there is something different between the two terms ...

Let's see even more specifically what happens: we have said that weight loss leads to a decrease in the percentile of fat mass, a bitter enemy of circulation, a sense of well-being and aesthetics, but how does this happen? thanks to the increase in lean mass that raises the basal metabolic rate (the amount of energy that our body requires and uses to survive in a situation of absolute rest) and favors the combustion of excess fat with the aforementioned result: the circumferences decrease, well-being increases, the physical appearance is greatly improved.

From what we have just said, we can understand how losing weight (which in terms of% of fat mass and lean mass behaves exactly the opposite of weight loss) is highly harmful to the body: the loss of fluids can lead to dehydration and water retention ( above all on the thighs), but even more there is to say that water is the most important element for our organism without which all its functions are blocked; the loss of lean mass and the increase or stagnation of the fat mass significantly lower the metabolism, so you are always forced to eat less to avoid taking the newly lost weight (yo-yo effect).

Last point: where is the difficulty?

I think I was clear about the negative effects of losing weight and the benefits of his desk friend, losing weight; to get a proper and effective weight loss must follow a proper diet in compliance with a correct and regular physical training, it is a little more difficult but certainly successful if executed with consistency and will and the results will be very satisfactory enough to fully repay the sacrifices of throat and oretta (training should not last more than an hour under penalty of protein catabolism) passed in a gym raising some weights.

Returning to the last point on losing weight, it must be said that it is easier (running in a park for one or two hours), but what are the results? Flabby skin, decreased lean mass, decreased strength, fluid loss, decreased MB and many other problems that can come as a result without forgetting the yo-yo effect ... is it worth it?

In this regard I want to close with a tip: how often do you hear? how many other times and similar sentences, so when there is the will and the desire to do so, do not improvise personal trainers and contact specialized people in the field as you contact a lawyer for a cause or a doctor for a health problem.