lose weight

An alternative method to reduce fat accumulation on the thighs and hips (culotte de cheval)

By Riccardo Cantoni

The "culotte de cheval" are a form of cellulite, characterized by subcutaneous nodules and depressions, which manifest themselves as fatty deposits in the trochanteric area.

Considering cellulite as a pathology of the tissue on a vascular base, we recognize as causes, a series of factors, an incorrect posture, an altered plantar support (use of shoes with high heels), incorrect habits of life (nutrition rich in salts, smoke, use of oral contraceptives).

Considering the problem from the Personal Trainer's point of view, I would like to consider which physical activity could be best suited to treat this condition.

Attending the gyms a recurring question addressed to PT or female instructors is the following: "How can I remove these pads from my thighs?"

Equally frequently given as advice, perform several repetitions of lower limb abductions, with more or less load, or the use of specific isotonic machines (Abductor, Gluteus Machine etc.), in some cases it is suggested to combine this training to cardio work, aimed at transforming isotonic work to burn fat better in the area in question.

Reading this article it could be seen that you are among those people who have not seen amazing results, or have seen a worsening of the situation.

In this case we could continue reading to share with me the experience I experienced by observing a fair number of subjects as a Trainer, and obtaining sometimes surprising results.

Observing the posture of women who presented this imperfection, I was able to see the habit of wearing high-heeled shoes, which determine a posture in which the back protrudes backwards, and the legs remain semi-bent.

This series of situations favors a permanent tension on the fascia lata, preventing a normal circulatory activity of the body fluids (Blood, Linfa).

Taking into consideration this aspect of the problem, it can be seen that by further toning the muscle districts responsible for abduction, the situation is only worsened, otherwise acting on the fascia lata, in subjects without major pathologies, is quickly restored to a more efficient circulatory situation, therefore the liquids that stagnate in this body district are drained, giving in a short time an appearance of smaller volume, allowing at the same time the localized fat to be mobilized to complete positively the picture of the situation.

The exercises that I would like to suggest for this purpose, are the toning of the antagonist, in this case the adductors, in order to reduce the excess tone on the abductors (principle of Isometric Stretching), and immediately after stretching the Ileotibial Benderella in the following way: the person is lying on his side, shoulder and pelvis are perfectly perpendicular to the ground, the leg in contact with the ground, is flexed, to flatten the lumbar curve.

The trainer rests his hand on the trochanter of the leg that must be stretchata to stabilize the hip joint, this is kept flexed with an angle of 90 ° between leg and thigh, abducted, and with the thigh extended with respect to the trunk.

With the other hand, the trainer grabs the leg just below the knee, to guide it in stretching, and accompanies it downwards, simultaneously evaluating the degree of rigidity of the Ileotibial Benderella; when it reaches the end of its travel it maintains its position for about 45 seconds, and supports the leg in order to prevent excessive tension, which could produce a rigidity effect due to the activation of the neuromuscular spindles.

Anyone wishing to experience the use of this technique I am sure that they could be satisfied for the positive results obtained.