health of the newborn

Baby Bath by G.Bertelli


The baby's bath is an important habit for hygiene, well-being and physiological, cognitive, emotional and relational development. In the first months of life, in fact, this moment represents a further opportunity for exchange and interaction between mother and child, in the form of cuddles, contacts, games, cries and laughter.

At the same time, the baby's bath stimulates the senses of smell and touch, awakens attention and allows one to become familiar with water. At the end of the day, then, the relaxing effect that this ritual can produce is not to be underestimated, useful for preparing the child for the moment of sleep.

In the first months of life, the immature baby's skin is very fragile and delicate, therefore some small precautions are necessary, in order not to compromise the skin barrier and / or cause redness during the bath.

What's this

The baby's bath is a routine that contributes to daily hygiene and, from a sensorial point of view, promotes the development of touch and smell . This moment represents a further moment of contact with the mother and an opportunity to become familiar with the water. At the end of the day, the baby bath is also useful for relaxing the baby .

What is it for?

The baby's bath is important to ensure effective cleaning of dirt residues and traces of impurities that lurk beneath diapers and clothes.

Hygiene operations are also useful to create a sort of barrier against external aggressions, as the pH of the baby's skin is not acid enough and perspiration is still insufficient.

During the bath of the newborn, care must be taken especially for the face and the private parts.

These parts must be clean and dry to avoid irritation, such as:

  • Diaper dermatitis ;
  • Acne of the newborn ;
  • Atopic dermatitis ;
  • Cradle cap

When can it be done?

The immersion baby bath can be done only after the fall of the umbilical cord stump, that is when the wound is well healed. Otherwise, mild infections could occur due to exposure to microorganisms in the water and prolong healing time.

Therefore, it is good to wait a couple of weeks, having the foresight to keep the area clean.

If the umbilical stump has not yet fallen

If the umbilical stump has not yet fallen - an event that generally occurs within the first two to three weeks of life - the newborn must not be washed with an immersion bath, but simply wash only certain areas with the hand shower or sponging . The protection of the residue (or branch) of the umbilical cord is important to prevent its contamination and the infection that can follow.


Before the baby's bath, it is important to prepare everything you need : everything must be within reach so as not to be forced to leave the baby alone in the bath or changing table, even for a few seconds .

What is the right time of the day to bathe?

There is no ideal time to bathe the baby, but it is possible to establish a time of the day to dedicate to hygiene, so that it is more or less always the same (for example, before the last evening meal or of bedtime). This approach allows to create a pleasant habit : the baby's bath should be a pleasant and relaxing routine even for the mother.

After the definitive detachment of the umbilical cord, therefore, the baby's bath can be done according to the preferences of the parents and the motivations of various kinds. For example, if you notice that the baby lives the bath as a moment of tension or discomfort, it is better to thin out the frequency or alternate sponging with immersion.

In general, it is advisable to wait at least two hours after feeding, to be sure that the baby has digested well: during the bath, in fact, the baby could get cold and run into congestion.

As anticipated, then, the bath has a relaxing effect and can be an excellent method to promote the baby's sleep .

Duration of baby bath

In general, the baby's bath should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

Water temperature

The water used to bathe the baby should be checked using an instant reading thermometer (available at the pharmacy) or, more traditionally, with the contact of the mother's or father's elbow. The ideal temperature should remain as close as possible to 36 ° and 37.5 ° C.

What is needed

Before undressing the child for bathing, it is necessary to prepare in advance all that is needed.

In particular, the material that will be used and which must be within reach for the baby's bath includes:

  • Delicate detergent specific for children, with neutral pH;
  • Thermometer;
  • Gauze and wadding for face cleansing;
  • Moisturizing creams and zinc oxide product;
  • Soft terry towel;
  • Clean clothes (bodysuit and jumpsuit) and diaper.

Before bathing your baby, make sure you have removed any jewelry or jewelry (so as not to hurt or accidentally scratch your child) and have your hands well cleansed . In this regard, it should be remembered that the transmission of microorganisms responsible for neonatal infections, which can occur in the first few days of life, occurs mostly through the hands, the breath and the contact of foreign bodies with the baby's skin or mucous membranes.

In order to prevent this occurrence, in addition to the careful cleaning of the hands, it is possible to adopt some simple rules of hygiene. For example, if the parent or caregiver of the newborn has respiratory infections (such as cold or flu), it is advisable to use sterile masks - to protect the mouth and nostrils - at the time of feeding, diaper change and of the bath. The device can then be removed when there is no direct contact with the child.

Before the baby's bath

  • To prevent the child from getting cold before and after the bath, it is advisable to heat the room sufficiently, so as to have a temperature between 20 and 22 ° C.
  • If it is evening, better to adjust or shield the electric light sources, so that they are not too aggressive.
  • The baby bath should be filled with water at 37-38 ° C. In practice, the temperature must be similar to that of the body: before immersing the child, it is good to check it with a thermometer.

At this point it is possible to undress the child, resting it on his back on a surface. During this operation it is important to pay attention to the head, as newborns are not yet able to control their movements.

  • First, remove the sleeves by rolling them up; then remove the shirt from the head, widening the neckline as much as possible to make it easier to pass. Repeat the same steps to remove the body. Finally, remove the diaper.

How to do it

The bath of the newborn baby bath can be performed directly in the tub of the house or in a special basin for children, putting a rubber mat on the bottom to reduce the risk of slipping.

  • Baby bath - The baby bath should be made of plastic. This should be placed on a stable and large surface, adequate to contain everything needed and at the right height, so as not to tire the mother's back. If this option is chosen, it is a good idea to choose an anatomical tray, that is to say that it follows the shape of the body, to prevent the child from sliding sideways or turning over.
  • Bath - The bathtub of home must be properly cleaned and prepared for the needs of the child. If this option is chosen for the baby's bath, more attention should be paid, given the larger space. Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the tap is positioned as far as possible and, on the bottom, it is advisable to put soft towels or a foam base to prevent the child from accidentally slipping.

For baby's bath, the ideal amount of water is about 10-15 centimeters. Once the tap is closed, immerse the baby in the water only after checking the temperature.

Warning! During the bath, never leave the child alone in the water, whatever his age, not even for a moment. Apart from the risk of drowning that can occur even in conditions of reduced water volume, the baby can inhale splashed or spilled water on the face by playing with hollow containers. Moreover, the child slipping can be frightened and get small traumas.

During the Bath of the Newborn

  • Once prepared, the child should be immersed slowly in the water, maintaining a firm and secure grip. During the bath, the head and torso should be supported with the forearm; the left hand goes into the axilla of the newborn, so that it can be washed with the right. Be careful not to let water run into your eyes during cleaning.
  • If it is difficult to support the baby in the water, it is possible to soap it on the changing table and then rinse it in water.
  • The face, eyes and ears must be washed with gauze or cotton wool soaked in water. The rest of the body can be washed with a neutral detergent.
  • To wash your back, turn the baby over so that your belly is resting on your arm.
  • During the bath, it is important to calm the baby by talking to him.

From 4-5 months, it is possible to use a baby bouncer for babies or an adapter for the bathtub; at this age, in fact, the child will be able to sit alone and it will not be necessary to support him in the water.

Which products to choose

For the baby's bath, it is important to know how to choose the right products.

  • Body . During bathing of the newborn, for cleaning it is necessary to use specific products, specially formulated for delicate skin, without soap and surfactants. For daily hygiene, however, cosmetics that foam and are too fragrant should be avoided. The detergent to be used for the baby's bath should have a pH between 5.0 and 5.5.
  • Hair . Every 2-3 days, wash the baby's head with a suitable shampoo that will not burn your eyes. For rinsing, it is possible to use a glass, the shower head of the tub or simply the hollow of the hand.

After the Baby's Bath

  • When the time comes to get the baby out of the water, grab it with a firm and secure grip under the armpits and immediately wrap it in a soft towel, before placing it on the changing table. This operation must be performed as quickly as possible to prevent the baby from getting cold.
  • After the baby's bath, the skin must be dried gently, without rubbing, so as not to cause injury or redness (if these were already present, a zinc oxide cream should be applied). The skin must be padded insisting especially between the folds of the skin (such as thighs, armpits, neck and toes), where there is greater humidity. While it dries, it is good to cuddle and cuddle the baby, to reassure him and consolidate the relationship between mother and child.

To remember

After cleansing and rinsing with water, it should be remembered that the face, neck and genitals must always be clean and dry.

  • After drying the baby, you can moisturize your skin and massage a specific emollient product for the body.
  • In the seating area and the genitals it is advisable to apply a protective paste to prevent redness and irritation caused by pee stagnation: the product should be spread well, massaging it gently even inside the folds of the skin and in the hollow of the legs.
  • At the end of the operations, place the diaper and cover the newborn, starting this time from the body, inserting first the head and then the sleeves that must be rolled up to facilitate the insertion of the hand and the arm.

Baby Bath: how often?

Most midwives and other health professionals recommend bathing babies at least 2-3 times a week.

Precautions and Risks

What precautions should I take?

The ongoing risks of the baby's bath are different and include accidental falls or skin lesions, following direct contact with too cold or high temperature water . In the first months of life, then, the child is not yet able to regulate his body temperature and may incur hypothermia .

Warning! The baby's bath should never be carried out near water dispensers (taps, mixers, etc.) due to the risk of burns .

After the baby's bath, the use of talcum powder should be avoided as it could be inhaled if conspicuously sprinkled on the chest and upper limbs or, worse, sucked directly from the container, if the latter is used to play.

Some advice

Advice for the Baby Bath

  • Many mothers find that it is better to bathe before eating, but each child is different and preferences should be catered for, to make the hygiene operations pleasant and enjoyable;
  • Clean only the areas that you can see, avoiding to penetrate too deeply into the ear canal or the baby's nose;
  • After filling the tank, move the water inside to make sure that there are no hot spots;
  • Remember to never leave your child alone in the tub, not even for a moment, even if the water in which it is found seems to be low. To risk drowning, 5 cm of water is enough.
To learn more: Paidocosmetici - Detergents for Children »