
Argan Oil Allergy

Argan oil can also be responsible for an anaphylactic type reaction.

It is documented in the journal "Allergy" and more precisely in the volume 65, chapter 5 and pag. 662-663, released in May 2010. Li, the following is quoted:

"We present the first documented case of argan allergy.

A 34-year-old Moroccan man, with no history of allergies, complained of rhinitis and conjunctivitis manifested by the immediate aromatic perception of argan oil. The ingestion of the product then induced epigastralgia (epigastric pain) and hypersalivation.

The prick-tests for argan oil and argan paste (the residual one after oil extraction) were positive together with that of control (codeine). Twenty minutes later, the patient developed a systemic reaction characterized by generalized erythema (started from the arm) and secondarily hives. Peak expiratory flow (measured by spirometry) decreased from 500 l / min to 400 l / min (indicating a bronchial constriction).

A diet with the exception of argan and an emergency kit (adrenaline, antihistamines and corticosteroids) were therefore prescribed.

Therefore, the potential allergenic molecules (proteins) were isolated in the argan fruit to identify which was precisely and to reason about a possible way to totally eliminate it from the product.

Over the past 20 years, argan oil has become an international consumption oil (Europe, America and Asia), due to its fatty acid profile and antioxidant molecules. Therefore, it is expected that new cases of allergy may arise due to food intake, inhalation or dermal contact.

The responsible allergen was therefore identified; it is a 10 kDa protein (atomic mass unit) persistent in the oil even after the elimination of the residues. This peptide could belong to the family of oleosins, known for their allergenic capacity (such as, for example, those of peanuts and sesame).

The ability to induce severe allergic reactions of this argan protein has been evidenced by systemic impairment induced by the low dose reactogenic prick-test.

This circumstance must be taken into consideration by argan oil producers, since through a more effective purification process most of the potentially harmful molecules for hypersensitive subjects could be eliminated.