
Lemon World Varieties

The Bonnie Brae is oblong in shape, with a smooth, thin skin and seedless pulp; it is grown mostly in San Diego County.

Eureka grows abundantly throughout the year. It's the classic supermarket lemon, also known as Four Seasons, about its production capacity. This variety is used as an ornamental plant by local populations. There is also a type of Eureka with a pink flesh, while the outer skin is variegated with alternating green and yellow stripes.

The Femminello Santa Teresa or Sorrento lemon is originally from Italy. The rind of the fruit is particularly rich in essential oils, which is why it represents the variety traditionally used in making limoncello.

The Meyer is a cross between a lemon and an orange or a mandarin; this citrus is named after its first discoverer, Frank N. Meyer (1908). It has a yellow-orange color, a thinner skin and a slightly less acid taste than the Eureka. On the other hand, while better tolerating the cold in culture, Meyer lemons require more attention in transport and are not widespread on the market.

The Ponderosa is the lemon that suffers most of all from the harsh climate. The fruits are very large and have a thick skin; probably, it is a citron-lemon hybrid.

Yen Ben is an Austral-Asian cultivar.