
Drugs for the treatment of cancer of the neck of the uterus


After the breast one, cervical cancer is one of the most frequent cancers in the female world; however, the Pap test, diagnosing the neoplasm early and safely, allows the tumor to be treated at an early stage. Precisely because of this simple cytological screening test, mortality from cervical cancer has clearly decreased in recent years.

NB For the prevention of cervical cancer, it is recommended to undergo regular PAP tests: the first test should be carried out between 21 and 25 years, then it is recommended to undergo the PAP test every 3 years up to 65 years of age.


The HPV virus (papilloma virus) is the causative agent of cervical cancer: we are talking about a viral DNA pathogen, sexually transmitted, implicated in the neoplastic transformation of cervical uterine cells. Risk factors: early onset of sexual activity, frequent unprotected sexual intercourse, with different partners, multiple pregnancies, poor sexual hygiene.


In the vast majority of cases, cervical cancer does not begin with any significant symptom: what has been said constitutes a limit to diagnose - therefore to cure - the cancer early. At an advanced stage, cervical cancer may present with dysuria, dyspareunia, abdominal pain, blood loss with faeces, vaginal bleeding outside the cycle, malodorous leucorrhoea and rectal tenesmus.

Information on cervical cancer - drugs for the treatment of cervical cancer is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your physician and / or specialist before taking Cervical Cancer - Cervical Cancer Cure Medicines.


We have seen how the early diagnosis of cervical cancer is able to greatly reduce the risk of metastasis and fatal outcome: precisely for this reason - it is necessary to highlight it for the umpteenth time - it is a good rule to undergo the PAP test regularly.

Before listing the drugs most used in therapy, it is worth remembering that:

  • some forms of mild dysplasia affecting the basal layer of the cervical epithelium (pre-neoplastic forms) tend to regress spontaneously, leaving no traces or lesions.
  • Most HPV injuries remain asymptomatic and tend to self-resolve
  • Vaccination is one of the rules for preventing cervical cancer
  • Laser therapy, conization, cryotherapy and electrocoagulation can also be used
  • The surgical approach is recommended for patients with early-stage cervical cancer
  • Radiation therapy is indicated for patients with cervical cancer not susceptible to surgical resection
  • Cisplatin (eg Cisplatin ACC, Platamine, Pronto Platamine) Although this drug is the most widely used against cervical cancer, the remarried rates are not always satisfactory. However, it is important to remember that no other drug - or combination of drugs - is better or superior to cisplatin in terms of overall survival. Generally, the drug is associated with radiotherapy and is taken at a dose of 40 mg per square meter, intravenously, once a week. Do not exceed 70 mg per week. The drug is given 4 hours before radiotherapy, for 1-6 weeks. In combination with other chemotherapy drugs, the drug is taken at a dose of 50 mg / m2 on the second day. The cycle should be repeated for 21 days.
  • Fluorouracil (eg Fluorouracil Teva, 250-500 mg): the recommended dose is 1 g / m2 on the first day. Repeat the cycle every 21 days. Generally, the drug is taken in combination with Cisplatin.
  • Methotrexate (eg. Reumaflex, Methotrexate HSP, Securact) the drug is an antagonist of folic acid synthesis, able to heavily influence the body's immune response. In this regard, it is used in the treatment of some neoplasms, including cervical cancer. Ideal dosage ranging from 30-40 mg / m2 per week to 100-12, 000 mg / m2 in combination with leucovorin.
  • Carboplatin (eg Carboplatin AHCL, Paraplatin, Carboplatin TEVA) associated with other chemotherapy drugs, the drug is generally used in therapy against cervical cancer. The dosage is: 200 mg per square meter intravenously, on day 1. Repeat the administration every 21 days.
  • Ifosfamide (eg Holoxan) the drug is used in therapy against cervical cancer at a dose of 2-5 mg per square meter, intravenously, every 24 hours, on the second day; the drug should be taken every 21 days. The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor.

Prevention of cervical cancer

Vaccination is one of the prevention strategies for cervical cancer: the vaccine is given in three divided doses and injected intramuscularly. The second dose should be administered 2 months after the first, and the third after 4 months from the second; although the duration of immunity from HPV is not established with absolute precision, it has been observed that women undergoing vaccination have prolonged immunity (up to 4.5 years from the first cycle of vaccines).

The PAP test must be carried out periodically, since the vaccine does not protect against all forms of papilloma virus.

Below, the vaccines most commonly used to prevent uterine cancer.

  • Cervarix: consisting of purified L1 proteins obtained from 2 types of human papillomavirus (HPV, type 16 and 18)
  • Gardasil and Silgard: contain purified proteins for 4 types of human HPV virus (types 6, 11, 16 and 18).
  • Gardasil 9: contains purified proteins for 9 types of human HPV virus (types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58).

Since the HPV virus is sexually transmissible, the use of condoms for sexual intercourse with people at risk cannot be omitted from the rules of prevention against cervical cancer.