
The visiting card of the personal trainer: the medical history card

Edited by Alessandro De Vettor

Seriousness, professionalism and preparation of a Personal Trainer (PT) emerge from the first appointment. We all know that a detailed data collection on the customer is fundamental to be able to develop an effective and personalized work program. Therefore, the more exhaustive this is, the more useful it will be.


However, we must not underestimate the fact that the medical history is probably one of the first elements on which the client will form an opinion on our competences. For this reason it must be prepared with even greater care.

Very often, however, the tabs proposed focus only on certain aspects, albeit relevant, being incomplete in registering other elements - such as pathologies, allergies and pharmacological framework - which may prove to be equally indispensable for the success of programming. It was therefore decided to do something useful by offering as an attachment an example of the most complete medical history sheet, which can be downloaded and provide guidance in data collection.

The main components are commented on below.

Client Anamnesis: it is the initial part of the card in which the Personal Data and Profession are recorded.

General anamnesis: it detects general information useful for programming, such as availability of training frequency, time available, lifestyle and goals sought.

Sports History: focuses on sports practiced by the subject in past years. It is important to know how long they have been practiced and how long they have been interrupted. This history, although not yet specific, will help the PT to get a general idea of ​​the subject's level of motor coordination, his relationship with his body, and his physical condition.

Clinical history: deals with one of the most important points of data collection as it provides information on the health status of the subject, which will be fundamental for the development of the work program. It should first of all detect any remote and / or current pathologies, the use of drugs (especially their active ingredients), if the subject is a smoker, if alcohol is used. It could lead to any blood analysis, basic or dynamic ECG, to complete with a family pathological history.

Food history: it is aimed at defining the food style of the customer: the foods he habitually takes (both liquid and solid), the hours of intake, any additions and supplements, intolerances and allergies. It offers a general picture of its "food culture".

Physiological history: it is the first "practical approach". Through specific measurements it allows to frame the subject at a morphological and biotype-constitutional level. It involves a Plicometric and / or Bioimpedentiometric screening for body composition analysis.

Postural history: evaluates the client, through appropriate tests on the degree of joint mobility of ankles, knees, hip, lumbar spine and shoulder girdle. Subsequently it evaluates the presence of dysmorphisms and / or paramorphisms.

The anamnesis is thus concluded, however a very important aspect is underlined: a data collection so detailed must necessarily be accompanied by an information sheet of the law on privacy rights; by the client's consent for the processing of sensitive, semi-sensitive and judicial personal data; of the relevant law on how these documents are archived.

It is also appropriate and useful to be able to avail oneself of the collaboration of some or all the medical figures specialized in the various types of anamnesis to which the subject has been subjected, so as to arrive at the most correct interpretation possible of the information collected and obtain any useful information for the work scheduling.