
Be-total Plus

Take multivitamins to improve energy capabilities

As for the B vitamins, there are several scientific evidences that show how a drop in these vitamins can compromise the body's energy capacity, generally slowing down the metabolism.

However, it appears much more difficult to find a direct correlation between supplementation and improvement of ergogenic properties, although in most cases an increase in the intake of these vitamins is suggested as the amount of food introduced increases.


As with all other supplements, the intake of Be-Total PLUS should be suggested in the event of an increased daily requirement, which cannot be satisfied through common nutrition.

Particularly at risk categories, which could benefit from the intake of this supplement, are therefore:

  1. individuals over 60, for whom a significant reduction in the levels of B vitamins (probably due to an altered absorption process) is attested;
  2. obese individuals (for whom there has been a reduction in weight, associated with a marked improvement in energy capacity, and for which the high introduction of highly refined foods is responsible for serious vitamin deficiencies);
  3. pregnant women (for whom folic acid in particular would guarantee a correct development of the fetus);
  4. strict vegetarians (given the absence of foods rich in some vitamins of this group).


As mentioned in the previous paragraph, one should resort to taking food supplements exclusively in the case of real food shortages. Therefore it is necessary to consider as a well balanced diet, especially if based on the Mediterranean typology - characterized by the presence of raw fruits and vegetables, cereals and legumes, with well distributed animal products during the week - able to provide such a quantity of vitamins of group B, to make further integration with products similar to Be-total Plus superfluous.

To fully understand how much nutrition can contribute to maintaining the correct vitamin balance, it is necessary to consider not only foods particularly rich in B vitamins, but also all the handling processes that drastically reduce the starting altitude.

Foods rich in B vitamins: whole grains, brewer's yeast, legumes, nuts, meats, eggs, offal, milk and dairy products and vegetables. B12 is found in significant quantities, highly bioavailable, only in animal foods.

Elements that reduce the availability of B vitamins: refining processes, industrial handling, cooking at high temperatures, shredding, exposure to light, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, use of oral contraceptives, laxatives, sulfa drugs, estrogens and inhibitors of gastric secretion.

In conclusion, therefore, it is true that nutrition can guarantee the correct vitamin intake, but for this purpose it is necessary a careful choice of foods (which must necessarily fall on the genuine, intact and integral product) combined with the correct conservation methods. cooking, and of course a healthy lifestyle.

Before resorting to Be-total plus or any other type of supplement, it is therefore necessary to revisit one's lifestyle and diet, putting into effect those improvements that - albeit inconvenient - are in the long run more effective and lasting than any artificial remedy ". >


The manufacturer suggests taking a Be-total plus tablet per day, taking into account that it is able to satisfy the daily demand of every single vitamin. Being water-soluble vitamins, their intake does not necessarily have to be carried out on a full stomach, as is instead recommended for products containing fat-soluble vitamins, even if ingestion during meals is still recommended due to their ability to stimulate gastric secretion.


The Be-total PLUS product is not recommended for asthmatics and people allergic to salicylates. Store at a temperature below 30 ° C.

Keep out of reach of children under 3 years.

The supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. The product may contain traces of gluten or lactose.


In the leaflet associated with the product, the Be-total plus supplement is not recommended for people with asthma, allergy and intolerance to gluten, lactose or other ingredients. However, it must be considered that although well tolerated, and in most cases without any particular side effects, the B vitamins, and in particular B6 and B3, if taken at high doses, can determine - in addition to the classic symptomatology of excess (nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, vomiting) - a worsening of diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract (peptic ulcers), liver fatigue and alteration of the absorption of some drugs, such as levodopa used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. It would therefore always be advisable to consult your doctor before taking the Be-total plus product or any supplement.