cardiovascular diseases

Infarct symptoms in women

While the symptoms of male infarction are well impressed in the common imagination, few know that infarct signals are often thinner in women.

In films, for example, the infarcted fall to the floor panting in the throes of a strong chest pain. In fact, the feeling of tightness and chest tightness (as if a boulder weighed on the chest or as if this were squeezed in a vise) represents the most common symptom of infarction, in both sexes, but in reality the symptoms of infarction they can also be quite nuanced .

Especially in women, but also in men, the symptoms of an infarction may be limited to a widespread tenderness in the back, jaws or stomach, with nausea, fatigue, indigestion and vomiting. Symptoms that normally do not give too much weight, thinking they are due to a trivial flu or gastroesophageal reflux problems.

Signs and symptoms of infarction in women

As for men, even in women the most characteristic symptom of heart attack is thoracic pain, which can be a simple discomfort or a very intense pain.

Women, however, are a little more likely than men to experience some of the other less common infarct symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and pain in the back or jaw .

Therefore, in the unfortunate circumstance in which these symptoms are felt, it is a good idea to immediately alert health assistance; even when the symptoms are blurred, the infarct may indeed be very serious.

  • Sense of pressure or pain in the center of the chest. This symptom lasts more than a few minutes, or comes and goes.
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath, with or without chest pain.
  • Cold sweats, nausea or dizziness.