
Improve the proportions of your body

If your goal is to improve the proportions of your body you simply need to get yourself a magic wand and the game will be done!

Seriously, building and shaping your body at will is not impossible but very difficult. It is indeed necessary to come to terms with enemy number one, genetics.

As usual ... genetics!

Probably if you have some deficient points you have to thank your genetic heritage, as you can be born blond with blue eyes you can be born with narrow collarbones and wide pelvis. There is no solution to this problem, the only thing to do is to convince yourself that a balanced diet and a correct training can do a lot to correct these defects.

If your body is asymmetrical and disproportionate it is most likely due to one of these three factors or their combination:

localized adiposity

asymmetric muscle development

disadvantageous bone proportions

To solve each of these problems it is necessary to adopt different nutrition and training strategies.


Until recently it was believed that localized weight loss was not possible.

Today, some studies have shown that combining a specific diet with targeted training can combat the phenomenon of localized adiposity.

I will indicate below the term weight loss between two quotation marks, as there are conflicting opinions on the subject.

Based on my experiences and those of my clients, I am convinced that it is possible to achieve the much desired "localized slimming".

However, "localized weight loss" is possible only if inserted in a context of general reduction of body fat.

TARGETED TRAINING: Three words: cardio, fit, training, or a circuit training based on the alternation of aerobic exercises and anaerobic exercises without intermediate breaks. The toning exercises will have to act mainly on the areas where the accumulation of fat is greater and the aerobic ones will have to be calibrated accordingly.

BALANCED FEEDING: the dietary strategies that must be adopted aim to control the hormones that regulate the accumulation and disposal of body fat.


Whatever your lacking point, try to identify the causes that created these muscular imbalances (genetics, training, nutrition, etc.).

Analyze your osteoarticular structure, for example, if you have an accentuated dorsal kyphosis and the shoulders forward the flat bench is not for you. In fact, in these conditions the breastplate does not work optimally because most of the work is done by the anterior deltoid. Fold on the crosses or on the extensions with the handlebars.

Study the physiology of the deficient muscle group, analyze the training programs you have previously used and plan a revolutionary program together with your trainer.

Adopt the principle of priority training: train the muscle group lacking at the beginning of the session with a greater number of series and heavy loads.

FOOD: reduce the amount of calories to slightly lower values ​​than the daily requirement and apply the principle of priority training.

The caloric deficit will cause an increase in gluconeogenesis and the amino acids deriving from muscle catabolism will be transformed into sugars and used for energy purposes. in order for this process to take place, the body "cannibalizes" above all the muscle districts that are not stimulated by training, trying to preserve at the same time the most trained muscle masses.


Probably the most difficult of the three problems since the only possible solution is to mask the defect.

For example, if you have tight collarbones, a good muscle tone in your shoulders and back will help improve your proportions, while an increase in mass in the upper limbs and the trapezius will further accentuate the problem.

Calculate your ideal proportions !!