heart health

Some things that perhaps are ignored on the heart

Thanks to advances in medicine and the conduct of numerous scientific studies in this regard, various characteristics of the heart became known, some of which are very interesting indeed.

For example…

The heart of man is different from the heart of a woman . In fact, it weighs more - about 280 grams compared to about 230 for the woman - and performs, at rest, fewer beats per minute - 70 against the woman's 78.

The heart is not red . Its true color is colonial brown, with some yellow areas due to the presence of fat deposits.

The heart is not on the left, but in a central position, between the two lungs.

The force with which the heart pumps blood in circulation is equivalent to the force needed to compress a tennis ball with one hand . Thinking of such a gesture, one should also think of repeating it at least 100, 000 times in a day, or the number of beats made by the heart in a day.

The heart of each human being begins to beat 4 weeks after its conception . From that moment on, he will end his "work" only at the end of life.

The heart can get sick due to stress and strong emotions . The so-called heartbreak or broken heart, in fact, has a scientific explanation, which consists in the increase of some hormones that paralyze the myocardium. The medical term for such pathological conditions is takotsubo cardiomyopathy.