
Preparation for the photo book (for her and for him)

Edited by Ivan Mercolini


Ivan Mercolini>

- author of the article -

With this essay I will give the final indications to arrive at the important appointment of the book . Here will be the final steps, that is I will take for granted that you have already reached your best physical shape both in quality and in quantity. This text is suitable for both models and photomodels. But also to those who simply want to take a photo shoot that shows their best, as a souvenir for future years or as a business card for a WEB page or FACEBOOK. The "tricks" mentioned here have been partly "stolen" from traditional bodybuilding. I will give food directions and behavioral indications. I will explain to you how to eat, how to integrate, how to drink and how to train in the last week before the big date.

Brief notes on how a book should be composed



Sodium, potassium and water

Other important suggestions

Definition of some terms mentioned

Concluding remarks and thanks

Brief notes on how a book should be composed

The book of a model or a model must contain:

  1. close-ups of the face (beauties) on the frontal plane, of which at least one pair in black and white, with different tricks and hairstyles;
  2. Full figure in autumn-winter clothing;
  3. Full figure in spring-summer clothing;
  4. Full figure in a bathing suit;
  5. Some artistic and particular poses (special attires that recall famous people or crafts, use of flowers and decorations, animals, etc.). For example, one of my students had included in her book images in which she appeared dressed as an American gangster at the time of Al Capone, with a cigar in her mouth. Another of my students had inserted a tiger costume, taking on an aggressive expression and "pulling on her fingernails".

The photomodels will take care of making more costume shots. Personally, I also find the nudes pleasant, as long as the epilation also includes the pubis.

Imagining a service of 100 shots, generally only 20% will like it. So, in order to avoid wasting money, try a lot in the previous weeks with a digital camera and get help from a friend. We will continue this discussion later. From the book you will extract the material for the Composit or Z-CARD: a beauty in black and white as the main image, a costume, an autumn-winter and a spring-summer (and / or an artistic image) as secondary photos. Your name will be printed on your Z-CARD, your mobile or e-mail address, height, weight, hair color, eye color, body fat percentage (only for fitness models), breast-waist hips (for girls). The Z-CARD is practically your business card.

You will send the book to the model management that you consider most accredited, together with your CV, by paper mail or e-mail (much cheaper than the last one). You will add your aspirations and goals. Be good at this. Meanwhile, do not make it clear that you have sent letters "left and right", but rather, repeatedly underline the name of the company to which you have written and clearly indicate why you have chosen it. Give examples of how this model management stood out for its brilliance and why it struck you. In short: make believe that you have written only to them and try to show it to them. The vs. aspirations are humble, do not talk about desired compensation, I RECOMMEND. In the beginning the satisfaction of being a model can be enough, without requiring any compensation. Learn how to make a mess. When preparing the scenes, be humble, I repeat: BE HUMBLE. Pride leave it to the nasty or those already famous and can afford it. Help in the preparations, to unload the boxes, to clean. The attitudes of "first woman" are not winning even in relationships with the other sex, let alone reality in which beauty is not an added value, but normality. I stress qs quickly. last point and then close the chapter. Thanks to the well-being, to nutritious and balanced meals, to the spread of fitness to all social groups, to the possibility of spending more on self-care, in short, today beauty is more widespread than up to twenty years ago. So I repeat, from MODEL TRAINER and as a boy, that attitudes of pride as possessors of attributes that are no longer even rare are ridiculous and lead to failure in this sector. Be humble. If perhaps you are someone at sea, you will be less than nothing in a model management where beauty is so common as to be almost boring. CLEAR?

Now, let's imagine that you have planned to make the book Saturday afternoon by a professional photographer. Let's see how to behave in the last week. I have already written about the drugs before and I refer you to them. As underlined in the introduction, it is important that the previous week has already reached 95% of the maximum form. In these last days we will do the touch-ups that will give the added value compared to the competition, the classic icing on the cake. Important!!! The practice described below is an unnatural state in which body water, sodium, potassium and glycogen are manipulated for six days. Consult your doctor before starting the journey, as only absolutely healthy subjects can do it. The manipulation of fluids, sodium, potassium and glycogen is absolutely contraindicated in those with diabetic, pressure and cardiovascular problems in general. But also for other pathologies it is contraindicated. Always keep in mind that professional models are followed by a doctor. And from a doctor you will have to receive the authorization to proceed with the practice mentioned here. Last note before starting: the girls must also deal with the menstrual cycle, which involves fluctuations - with a period equal to one month - of the fluids retained. The peak of water retention occurs with the maximum level of estradiol and progesterone, that is immediately before the loss, and then collapses during. So you need to keep this in mind, and plan the book for a Saturday that happens immediately after the flow, NEVER before.