sport and health

Vibration and Posture

Edited by: Luca Giovanni Bottoni

The mechanical vibration, used correctly, unquestionably gives positive effects to the organism. The execution of the postures in an equally correct manner radically changes the effect.

To achieve a tangible result for muscle toning, the intensity of work must be high; moreover, the market demand was and is projected towards a job in which high intensity is fundamental, almost from a biblical conception, to have a feeling of tiredness now rooted in the mentality of the sportsman. Using a high intensity, the posture on the vibrating platform cannot be underestimated, in order to avoid the discomfort caused above all for the lumbar region for men and cervico-lumbar for women, as well as the sensation of resonance to the head ("most frequent cases") ; never forgetting that the physiological maintenance of the column curves is the best prevention system. The most effective postural technique to overcome these problems, extrapolated in part from Pilates, is based on postures in retroversion, with work in voluntary isometry on the abdomen, both as a containment of the bowels and as a partial discharge at the lumbar level . In this way there is a reinforcement of the trunk, avoiding post-hyperlordosis postures, which gives the possibility of reaching high intensities, with consequent evident results, as well as a practically total reduction in the pain mentioned above. As regards the resonance effect on the head, it is important to develop the first lessons so that in upright postures the weight is distributed exclusively on the front of the foot, however, always completely resting on the footboard. With new customers approaching mechanical vibration it is also necessary to always dedicate the first lesson to raising awareness of "deep and regular" breathing, constant isometric contraction of the trunk - during erect postures - of the abdominals and specific isometric muscle contraction main under mechanical vibration, as well as the gradual discharge of the trapezius, mainly concerning women. The technical ability to exploit mechanical vibration, in its full potential and in all the security of perfect execution, should be sought as a fundamental point in vibratory training.