
Backache? Sitting or standing?

By Dr. Davide Marciano

In general, members of gyms with back problems are advised to sit down during the exercises because they are considered safer. Do we know how to give a motivation to this advice that is too common? Boooooooo ... or "it's just like that". It is precisely due to the occurrence of such situations that we should speak only for acquired science and not by hearsay or to follow the maxim: "Così fan tutti".

In this sector the theories based on empirical experiences are many, but science is one and unequivocal!

So let's see what science tells us

The strength of the spine is given by the number of its squared curves + 1:

R = N² + 1

The vertebral column seen in the sagittal (lateral) plane presents 3 curves (two lordosis: lumbar and cervical spine, and one kyphosis: dorsal rachis).

The presence of these three curves guarantees maximum yield (formula n.1 below), while the reduction or disappearance of one of them induces a drastic decrease in resistance (formula n.2).

Formula n. 1 R = 3² + 1 = 100%

Formula n.2 R = 2² + 1 = 50%

What happens when we sit down?

The terminal part of the vertebral column (sacred) is anatomically joined to the pelvis and is therefore bound to its every movement.

When we sit down, we induce, by flexing the thighs on the pelvis, a retroversion of the latter, with the consequent reduction of lumbar lordosis. Reflexively, the curves of the spine go from 3 to 2, reducing, as we have seen, the strength of the entire column.

This situation is absolutely physiological, but imagine it with a load above the head (eg slow with a barbell). In this case the resistance of the back is reduced (because sitting) and at the same time the compression increases significantly (load above the head).

In light of the above, are you still confident that seated exercises are safer than standing?

Not to mention then when it is even advised to raise your legs on one step, thus bringing the lumbar spine from a lordosis to a kyphosis (the maximum of anti physiology).

After these considerations, as a lover of iron, I ask you: the famous Military press (slow with standing barbell), which for years has been downgraded to an exaggeratedly harmful exercise for the back, is perhaps not as dangerous as they say, or at least, is it less harmful than the slow-moving classic?


From today, everyone doing standing exercises?

It depends!

After years of studies and practice in this field, I realized that there is no fixed rule, but there is a person, on whom we have to embroider a tailored suit, coming out of common places and rigorously applying science.

For this reason, we could divide the "middle" people, attending a fitness center, into two categories: hypo and hyperlordotic subjects.

Hypo-lordotic subjects

Hypolordotic subjects have a reduced lumbar curve; consequently, the resistance of the entire spine is also reduced. This means that all hypolordotic people who want to approach the physical culture, or who have been doing it for some time, would be safer if they performed exercises in an upright position. This security is given by the "draft" that the ileopsoas muscle exerts on the lumbar vertebrae.

This muscle originates from the bodies of the 12th thoracic vertebra and the lumbar vertebrae L1-L5, to then fit on the small trochanter of the femur (in our world anatomy is everything). Being a very powerful flexor, when we are standing the iliopsoas, pulling on the femur, pulls the lumbar vertebrae, imposing on them a right position of normo-lordosis.

Therefore, we should prefer standing exercises to work, for example, the shoulders and arms.

Even the squat and the lunges, with some changes, are excellent and are preferable to the normal leg presses, which accentuate the problem from sitting, often causing back pain.

Even the much-loved abdomen cannot be trained too much by this category of subjects, since being anatomically united to the xiphoid process (sternum) and to the pubic symphysis (pelvis), its continuous or excessive contraction would go to and affect the lumbar spine, further reducing it lordosis.

Hyper-lordotic subjects

Hyperlordotic subjects are the exact opposite of the previously described group, having an accentuated lumbar curve.

Therefore, keeping in mind the description above, exercises in an upright position should be avoided, since they would further increase the lumbar curve.

Then, the various leg presses are to be preferred over squats or lunges, as seated exercises for shoulders, arms, etc. are to be recommended.

Further attention should be placed on the leg rest for the lat machine. The pressure exerted by the legs on this padding, in fact, indirectly induces a contraction of the iliopsoas which, as we have seen, increases lumbar lordosis. Therefore, hyper-lordotic subjects should remove that padding.

On this category, abdominal work can be done in a more than peaceful manner, but always without exaggeration, as overtraining a muscle does not bring aesthetic benefits, but only postural alterations.

Good training to all!


Donskoj - Zatziorskij KL Biomechanics. Ed. SSS, Rome 1983

Bogdanov L., Iavanov P. Biomechanics of physical exercises. Ed. SSS, Rome 1989

Guyton A. Treaty of Medical Physiology. Piccin Editore, Padua, 1995

Balboni GC Human Anatomy. EdiErmes, Milan, 1998

McMinn S., AAVV Functional and clinical anatomy. Ed. UTET, Milan, 2001