eye health

Colored Contact Lenses: What Are They? Types, Possible Uses and Risks of G.Bertelli


Colored contact lenses are eye devices that allow you to change the natural color of the irises, emphasizing some nuances or changing them completely.

Colored contact lenses can be both graduated (that is, they correct some sight defects), or for aesthetic use only (also called " cosmetic lenses "). In addition, some variants of this product are therapeutic or similar to prostheses, that is made to measure to manage or resolve the consequences of traumas and diseases of the cornea, iris and lens .

The choice of colored contact lenses should not be too superficial: it is good to buy them only from opticians or authorized retailers and ask first for the opinion of an ophthalmologist, in order to have the right indications for the application and to know in which circumstances it is better to avoid them. In the same way as the corrective ones, in fact, the correct use of colored contact lenses is essential to avoid jeopardizing the health of the eye and compromising eyesight.

What are

What are Colored Contact Lenses?

Colored contact lenses are a device that allows you to alter the natural color of your eyes or even change it drastically, reproducing the appearance of the iris.

Colored contact lenses are created to reproduce the appearance of the IRIDE, the thin ring-shaped membrane, visible from the front through the transparency of the cornea. This eye structure contains pigmented cells, blood vessels and two layers of smooth muscle, whose contraction allows the variation of the pupil diameter. In addition to determining the color of our eyes, in fact, the iris acts as a muscular diaphragm, regulating the amount of light reaching the retina.

Colored contact lenses "simulate" the iris not only in color, but also in various shades, speckles and shapes . In other words, they help improve and accentuate these features.

Colored contact lenses are transparent in the center, so as not to cover the pupil and allow the user to see clearly.

Colored Contact Lenses: how are they made?

A colored contact lens is divided into three zones :

  • Outer edge ;
  • Median area (colored ring);
  • Center of the lens (transparent).

Once applied, colored contact lenses adhere to the tear film that covers the front of the eye. Every time the eyelid blinks, it passes over the lens, inducing a slight movement of the same, which allows the tears to bring oxygen and the necessary lubrication to the underlying cornea.

The optical zone is generally the same size as the corrective contact lenses, but when the pupils naturally expand, in conditions of low or dark brightness, some differences may be found. By slightly limiting the visual field, the colored ring (middle area) can cause, in fact, visual interferences .

What are they for

In most cases, colored contact lenses are chosen for aesthetic use ; for this reason, they are also called cosmetic lenses . Some of these drastically change the color of the eye (opaque or opaque colored contact lenses), others simply change the nuance (reflecting colored contact lenses).

Colored contact lenses can also be used for therapeutic purposes .

Did you know that…

The COLOR OF THE EYES is mainly determined by the pigmented cells present in the iris, which give it a variable chromatic nuance: green, blue, brown, hazelnut, gray, etc. In practice, how much more melanin is present in the iris, so the eyes are darker. This somatic trait depends on the interaction of several genes: some of these intervene to provide the color spectrum, others can determine the pattern and positioning of the pigment in the iris. Environmental or acquired factors can alter these inherited traits. The inheritance model that follows is therefore very complex.

Why choose colored contact lenses?

Colored contact lenses meet various needs.

Depending on the product used, the effects that make it possible to obtain are different: some colored contact lenses completely transform the look of the eye, others add depth or intensity to the natural color of the eye.

Colored contact lenses can be neutral or graduated:

  • NEUTRAL COLORED CONTACT LENSES : they allow you to correct the pigmentation of your eyes or modify it completely, for pure aesthetic taste, maintaining a clear and clear view. Depending on the degree of alteration to be obtained, cosmetic contact lenses can be further distinguished in:
    • Reflecting colored contact lenses : once applied, they emphasize the natural nuances of the iris, improving its appearance without changing its color;
    • Opaque colored contact lenses : they are opaque or semi-opaque and allow you to change the color of the iris (for example, from brown to light blue or vice versa);
    • Colored contact lenses with a special effect : they are the most eccentric; available in patterns, special patterns or stranger colors, they allow to drastically change the color of the iris;
  • GRADUATED COLORED CONTACT LENSES : like the aesthetic ones, they change the color of the iris and, at the same time, they also correct refractive defects, such as myopia and hyperopia. Toric colored contact lenses for astigmatism are not, however, very common. In the presence of refractive errors, it is always advisable to buy quality products from specialized dealers.


As for the aesthetic use, colored contact lenses are mainly divided into 3 types:

  • Opaque or covering ;
  • Reflective ;
  • Special effect (or fantasy).

Separate chapter is represented by the colored therapeutic contact lenses, that is intended for the management of some eye diseases (traumas, malformations, corneal pathologies etc.).

Opaque Colored Contact Lenses (totally covering, with net pupillary hole)

Opaque colored contact lenses have a pigmented shape that simulates the iris and covers it completely . This type of product allows vision through a circular space at the pupil (otherwise you would not see anything).

The opaque colored contact lenses go to mask the natural pigmentation of the eyes with any other desired color, transforming its appearance: from hazel to blue, from cerulean to emerald green and so on.

At one time, the result that could be obtained was very artificial, since the opaque colors were too bright or the texture was obviously fake and roughly reproduced the design of an iris. Current technologies, on the other hand, give a very natural appearance to "modern" colored contact lenses; clearly, the design that should simulate the iris varies depending on the product and can be more or less true.

In general, opaque colored contact lenses are more suitable for those with very dark brown or black eyes, since reproducing a different iris in its entirety, with a "designed" pupillary hole attached, this type of product has a disadvantage . The eye will, in fact, be devoid of the typical movements of the pupil, which, under normal conditions, expands and shrinks depending on the brightness present in the surrounding environment.

This does not mean that opaque colored contact lenses prevent the normal functioning of the eye, but, simply, this feature can affect verisimilitude.

Reflective Colored Contact Lenses

Reflecting colored contact lenses have a treatment that enhances or emphasizes the natural nuances of the user's irises, making them appear more blue, green, hazelnut or brown. In other words, this type of lens is at the opposite end of the totally opaque masking variant. Reflecting colored contact lenses clearly cover the color of the iris, but improve its appearance, enriching it with reflections capable of enhancing its chromatic characteristics.

The change is, therefore, slight: the lens adds nuances to blend with it, guaranteeing an absolutely natural result. Those with dark eyes - black or brown - can opt, for example, for warm chocolate, amber or honey reflections, while green, light blue or light hazel irises can be enhanced by cerulean or emerald shades.

Special Effect Colored Contact Lenses

The special-effect colored contact lenses (inspired by fantasy) are part of the opaque macro-category, but the result is decidedly different. This product is available in various colors and designs that give the iris a surreal, eccentric or extravagant appearance . To be clear, colored patterned contact lenses are used for theater or film productions, cosplay costumes, Halloween parties or other events in costume.

Other variants of Colored Contact Lenses

In addition to the types listed, there are other variants of colored contact lenses. Often, these products meet specific needs.

Some colored contact lenses have, for example, an anti-UV protective filter. Still others can reduce glare or light sensitivity by reducing the amount of light entering the eye (similar to polarized glasses).

Therapeutic Colored Contact Lenses

Colored therapeutic contact lenses are made by specialized centers, on the prescription of the ophthalmologist, to hide eye imperfections or correct certain pathologies.

Colored prosthetic contact lenses, for example, are designed and built to measure to solve the consequences of eye trauma, accidents or illnesses, such as:

  • Iris and crystalline anomalies (eg heterochromia, aniridia etc.);
  • Ocular coloboma;
  • Corneal leukoma;

The prosthetic colored contact lenses are made to measure and feature a hand-painted iris, taking as reference a high-resolution digital photograph of the contralateral (healthy) eye, whose pigmentation is faithfully reproduced.

In general, these prostheses are soft and, depending on the pathology to be treated, the pupil is black or transparent.

Use and maintenance

How to choose Colored Contact Lenses

When wearing colored contact lenses, comfort and visual acuity depend on many factors.

In addition to the desired eye color, the choice of colored contact lenses also depends on the specific structure of the eye and the user's tear film, the fields of use and the daily time for which they are worn. For this reason, before wearing them, even in the absence of particular eye disorders, a preventive eye examination should be performed, to exclude any contraindication.

Where can you buy them?

Colored contact lenses can be purchased at optical stores or authorized retailers. Usually, the packs contain an information leaflet with instructions for use. The purchase of colored contact lenses is strongly discouraged without the approval of the eye specialist.

Colored Contact Lenses: how to apply

Just like those intended for the correction of refractive errors, colored contact lenses are applied to the ocular surface: with the eyelids well open, the protuberance of the moist contact lens is placed on the dry fingertip and inserted into the eye.

Colored contact lenses with patterns and special patterns may require manual rotation. In these cases, care must be taken to avoid injury to the eye.

How long can you wear them?

The replacement time for colored contact lenses is generally specified on the packaging itself. For example, monthly ones for daily use can be worn for thirty consecutive days after opening, taking care to put them in the lens holder with the appropriate solution every evening.

Then, disposable colored contact lenses are available on the market, the use of which is limited to one day only, after which they should be thrown away.

To learn more: How to Apply and Clean Contact Lenses »


Like corrective lenses, poor quality and incorrect use of colored contact lenses can cause more or less serious, temporary or permanent damage to the eyes and eyesight. Among the most frequent problems associated with the use of this device, there are corneal abrasions, conjunctiva problems, infections and allergic reactions .

Sometimes, colored contact lenses can generate an intolerance that makes it impossible to use. In this case, discomfort, dry eyes, burning and photophobia occur.


When you decide to wear colored contact lenses you need to have an eye examination. As anticipated, this preliminary evaluation aims to verify if the characteristics are suitable to carry them and exclude the risk of developing some pathologies.

Possible contraindications to the use of colored contact lenses include:

  • Frequent eye infections;
  • Serious allergies;
  • Treatment-resistant eye dryness;
  • Very dusty work environment;
  • Inability to manage and treat contact lenses.
To learn more: Incorrect Use of Contact Lenses - Possible Complications »


Always follow the lens care and cleaning instructions

Colored contact lenses must be disinfected, cleaned and stored with the appropriate maintenance products. The use procedures are very important to avoid infections and eye irritations, especially in the case of monthly colored contact lenses.

Do not wear another person's colored contact lenses

Do not share contact lenses with another person, even if you want to test the effect of a new color. The risk is to incur serious eye problems.

Do not wear colored contact lenses with irritated eyes

In the presence of symptoms such as pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, a foreign body sensation in the eye or excessive tearing, it is necessary to remove the colored contact lenses, replace them with a pair of glasses and immediately consult an ophthalmologist, to receive the treatment adequate.