dried fruit

What part of the nuts has health benefits?

It is a fact that nut consumption is related to a reduction in cardiovascular risk. This is due to the presence of good fats, vitamins, phenolic antioxidants, fibers, etc. However, if it is known "which molecules" are responsible for the improvement of health status, it is not always completely clear "which component" of the edible portion of these seeds brings the phytotherapeutic and nutraceutical value of nuts.

A 2013 study entitled " Acute consumption of walnuts and walnut components differentially affects postprandial lipemia, endothelial function, oxidative stress, and cholesterol efflux in humans with mild hypercholesterolemia " has analyzed the consequences on: lipemia, endothelial function and oxidative stress, following the intake of: whole walnuts, peel of kernels, defatted pulp and walnut oil. Without going into too much detail, leaving out the less relevant results, it is sufficient to specify that an increase in cholesterol efflux was observed following the intake of whole walnuts and, at the same time, a beneficial effect on endothelial function (closely related to the etiology of atherosclerosis) after the introduction of walnut oil. It is therefore likely that these two new mechanisms (mainly linked to the lipid portion of the seeds) may explain, even only partially, the beneficial effects of nuts on human health.